Hey, Shut The Fuck Up (G/O Fuck Yourself, Tenreyro & Barsanti)

I work a 7-on/7-off schedule with shifts of 10-11 hours

“Another Way to Die” was a banger for about the first 20-30 seconds....until the lyrics kicked in

Gonna step out on the limb here and say that for probably the same reasons that the actual meth-making process is never fully elucidated, the “proper” meth-smoking process is likewise incorrectly/incompletely portrayed:

Then in some Game of Thrones review thread some fanboy said how Game of Thrones sucks and Breaking Bad is the best show ever and if you don’t agree you’re stupid

When I hear someone complain about someone having PTSD after multiple near death experiences I start to wonder if they’d also complain if the character went through the same events unchanged.

Take any scene, and add juuuuust a little bit of ambiguity, non-sequitur, or stylism

What places Breaking Bad above....Game of Thrones?

This map is fake news

Ooooooooor you could just watch the whole show, because it’s probably the best damn anime ever made

I played that game so much

Attempt no landings there

Texas Man is just a giant asshole, Florida Man is batshit fucking insane

Please stop feeding the Kardashian-Jenner Industrial Complex

Roe will never be fully overturned, it will cause too much blowback, and it’s the carrot the GOP has most successfully dangled in front of their idiot voters for the last 40 years

It’s a surprisingly rugged and mountainous country, not just an endless sea of featureless desert like Iraq of the many many reasons why invading them would be a terrible goddamn idea

Way better than the new Kia or Nissan logos

A 2020's reboot of a 1980's show about the 1960's

Worst case scenario, you have to eat Taco Bell 6 times in a month to break even