Seriously Mike

If only.

Well, with me it’s an exact opposite. I come from a cop family. I grew up around guns. But not in the US - in a country with more restrictive laws. This means people weren’t so cavalier about firearms over here. Yet still, I had basic gun safety drilled into me over the years.

In the eyes of the lunatic egotist that runs Techland as his personal fiefdom (up to and including appointing his wife as the Director of HR), it does. Or so it seems.

Sexual Chocolate is so great that they sample them in Poland.

Aren’t unions usually tied to organized crime anyway?

Are we talking about the same NRA that campaigned for disarming Black Americans after they stocked up on firearms to defend their rights in the 1960s?

I heard that Renault acquired Lada, and the Bigster is built on at least some design principles of the Russian-simple (no-frills, idiot-proof), Russian-tough (near-indestructible, possible to repair with a hammer and other simple tools) Lada Niva.

White media don’t report it. Hell, I take most of my information about yet another racially charged abuse by the American cops from The Root. Nobody else cares.

“No Dice”? Did you change the name of the series because the ghost of Rob Ford haunted you or something?!

What if Roman talked to Rock, for example, in order to use Rock’s clout in the biz to motivate the rest of the locker room?

I remember that a knockoff Atari 2600 my grandpa bought from some Russians at the village market at least tried to say “Mirax Force!” when you started the game.

Yeah. So fucking what.

Why? Because they were promised, let me calculate it, uh... $120 for every kid? $120 most of them never even received while the government raised their own pay, blew almost $20 million on elections that didn’t happen, ruined the economy and made the Church even richer.

I’m sorry, carry their what?

Well, ripping the plug out of the wall is what the kids will do to such a parent’s life support, at least what I would advise the kids to do.

I’d buy them for a dollar!

When you get no-knock raided in the middle of the night, it’s impossible not to be “stressed”.

To people outside the US, it is. It puts a stake right through all the Hollywood and Fox News bullshit most people outside the US know.

Soft hearted idiots don’t send American cops after kids.

Well, one’s a corrupt right-wing plutocracy run by a corrupt authoritarian idiot, and the other one’s Brazil. That’s one thing.