Seriously Mike

This person was deprived of their right to due process.

If cops are going to kill people and there’s not a darn thing we can do about it, then these are the people they should be killing. Anti-abortionists. Q followers. Sovereign citizen assholes. Trump supporters. Anti-vaxers. Anti-maskers. Pandemic deniers. Clive Bundy and his turd family. Wishful thinking, I know. I

No, the suspect wasn’t cooperating and when they attempted to remove him from the car had reason to believe he was pulling a gun. That they found his gun on the passenger floor is consistent with that.

I just don’t get it. These people, so-called “sovereign citizens” and others, LOVE being in America, claim to be great patriots, but don’t believe that our government and laws apply to them at all? How does anybody get so deluded, so indoctrinated (because it’s not their own, spontaneous “research” that leads them to

I have to disagree, the driver threatened the officers, then reached for a firearm that after the event was on the floor on the passenger side. the only way that gun moves from his holster to the floor is if he was pulling it from the holster so this was 100% a case where the force was justified. He intended to shoot

Excess violence?? You kidding me?? The guy tried to pull a gun on a bunch of police officers.

...asserted his independence from the laws of the land...

While this is definitely a more sympathetic case for the cops than other situations where someone is killed, based on the write up, it sounds like an excessive use of violence by the police. And another example of why cops need better training and hiring policies need to focus on finding people who are able to better

SovCit’s have a long history of trying to kill police during traffic stops.

Why are you comparing this to a completely different situation? Not a great way to get people to pay attention to an article on a site most ignore in the first place...

And fed.

Wow, I feel for! She should never have to plead her case like this. This is heart breaking. I'm  with her 100%.

Nah, fuck that. He was reckless as hell with that shit. I’m sorry but I have little sympathy for this dude. The reason there is some is because we have a mental crisis in our community and I know a HUGE percentage of that comes from living under this uncivilized racist western dominated world we live in.

I tend to agree with you though a bit uneasy about the words “justified shooting”.

Firstly, it’s sad when anyone is killed. And I feel bad for his family.

So, Chinese word processing software can detect and lock your doc if it detects “bad words or ideas” but Twitter and Facebook can’t figure out how to get their software to flag when someone posts about wanting to go shoot some place up?

Starship Troopers, the book, is not meant as satire. Heinlein believed that shit. The movie Starship Troopers is 100% satire, basically shitting on the book, rightfully, for being about a fascist utopia.

In case any shitbags want to denounce this article because there’s no mention of videogames, please be advised that Kevin Conroy voiced the caped crusader in the Arkham games :)

as terrible as his crimes were

God. This country will do anything to avoid controlling gun sales and distribution wont they?