This one here IS a BB gun.
This one here IS a BB gun.
I wonder whether it was Fox News or a Hong Kong/EU shop website tweaking the photo for marketing purposes.
If that’s a photoshop, it was done for marketing purposes by the webstore that sells those things.
You do realize that Brazil’s system is insanely corrupt, their firearm black market is gargantuan and the number of gun deaths per 100k citizens is four times larger than California’s?
There’s a market for REAL firearms that are eyefuck green and plastered over with zombie imagery and tacky “ZOMBIE KILLER” writing. I managed to find one on a gun store’s website in less than a minute.
The picture that shows them in the background of that moronic puppet called the “president” for some reason I cannot understand (as the ballot was obviously rigged) was deleted from the official Flickr gallery in a huff.
On the day when the LGBTQ protest happened, the court has ruled that a pedophile priest who raped two mentally handicapped girls can be released from custody and await trial in his parish.
Being Polish, I can only say:
That’s AT-ST head mounted on a Tiger chassis.
“If we accepted moral obligations, we would achieve nothing!” - the fascist “ordinary representative” of Poland, Jaroslaw Kaczynski
Blue Ribbon Stupid maybe?
Yeah, but c’mon, there’s a serious difference in the scale of things. Homophobic rants from preachers are dime a dozen. But when the guy at the very top bestows the rank of Knight Commander of the Order of St. Gregory the Great on a fucking pedo, and that’s just one of way too many shady things about him (starting with…
Catholics are just as evil if not worse. How about the Pope decorating a pedophile celebrity with an official Vatican medal?
He’s right, you know.
Hey, we have hell houses here in Middle Eastern Europe as well. They’re called churches.