Seriously Mike

Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell trolls,
It trolls for thee.

Yep, some kind of fine for bullshit 911 calls is in order. That and they should find that dipshit who harassed the kids.

Shhhh, don’t say it so loud, the local dipshits might pick it up, judging from their urge to suck yankee cock. They went MENTAL when Cheetler dropped by, pulled shit that we haven’t seen in the 30 years since communism fell. Organized, pre-selected, “spontaneously cheering” audience, half of the downtown locked down,

Yeah, and FDR basically traded Poland away to the USSR after WW2, not to mention him ignoring reports of Nazi atrocities related by Polish diplomat Jan Karski.

This is bullshit. She did not suffer - when she fell ill, she hauled her wrinkly Albanian ass to the best, most expensive Swiss clinics, but food and medicine donated to her shelters rotted away unused - because, god forbid, some of the poor schmucks she kept around would suffer less if someone actually fed and

Hey, it’s the old truth all the world over. You know what they say in Ukraine, of all places? “Watch the pig from afar, and don’t touch the snout if it ain’t your turf”.

#NotAllWhitePeople, though: when Poles serving in Napoleon’s army arrived in Haiti, they went “Are you fucking kidding us?”, as Louverture’s uprising reminded them so much of their own country occupied by Germany, Russia and Austria that they half-assed every order as much as they could. Hell, even the copies of

If she can bring 20 grand from one night’s work, sure as hell she could afford a lawyer.

Wasn’t there a Republican Congress candidate from Florida who got dragged in the press for doing VTM LARPs?

Well, it’s very liberal, in the classic, basic meaning of the word. It removes a lot of legal hurdles between you and your target.

Wow. Now even people in Poland know what a fuckup this guy is.

Amazing. It’s almost like they didn’t know she’s black.

Well, one more reason to hate those cunts in HR. I knew they were stupid and arrogant, but this shit here, that’s criminal.

Yep, shit’s the same everywhere. Middle-Eastern Europe hated brown people for quite some time, since Tatars, Turks and whoever else raided merry hell all over the place in the original Middle Ages, but it took that thieving gypsy fuck Viktór Órban as a catalyst to have a septic spill of racism everywhere. And then it

Wait, I thought there is no such thing as “good guy with a gun”.

For a music festival, that was tone-deaf.

I admit, I read that in Samuel L. Jackson voice.

Explains why a mixed-race kid went mental and shot up their local college.

WOC, STEM, entrepreneur, mother... I think that’s bingo.

Honestly? Maybe the old German officer caste recruited mostly from their nobility, and they did not particularly like the Nazis, but as far as their obsession with German supremacy and disdain for neighbors went, they didn’t really differ much.