You do realize that looking and acting like you belong there is the basic social engineering trick to get where you don’t belong? Have a star for basic security common sense.
You do realize that looking and acting like you belong there is the basic social engineering trick to get where you don’t belong? Have a star for basic security common sense.
I will never understand what’s the deal with hair-touching. I mean, fuck, I’m white and I’m well behaved not to grope random people’s dreadlocks!
Looking at the local “Catholics” this side of the pond, particularly as they lend their ear to a fucking cult that was deemed heretical enough by the Brazilian Catholic Church to officially warn the sheeple to stay away, I think the bible hasn’t really changed since the Crusades.
Not everyone’s better called Saul, y’know.
Well excuse me! Of course the bunch of dipshits elected by 18% of the Polish society is trying to take over the judiciary in order to reject any outcome of the next election that would punt them out of power, some crazy cunt wants a complete ban on abortion because she thinks that if she gave birth to a retard, every…
It was there even before they migrated.
Except that’s bullshit. We had a political situation like “Republican-lite Democrats” over here, the election came, and people wanted real “Republicans”, not knock-offs who proved they were unable to do shit for the last eight years. Which is why we’re dealing with international criticism coming from the EU, the US,…
My question is, how does one get covered in raw meat juice and bits just pounding raw meat? Somehow I’m able to work on cutlets without making a mess in the kitchen...
True zealots condemn gay members of their own families, it happens often enough. More curious, though, are outspoken pro-life gynecologists who performed their share of shady, back-alley abortions for enough money to build a nice house and fill a garage.
How easy is it to pop a trunk open on this thing, leaving minimum marks, and close it after?
You’re invited to ride the local bus (Eastern Europe here) in the summer. Wet dog and lemon pledge would be a nice change of pace.
I’m not expecting Wakandas to pop up any time soon, Africa still has a hangover after the dictatorial excesses of post-colonial era. Some of them needed a disaster like the Rwandan civil war to finally chill the fuck out and realize that what they did was pointless and destructive.
You know what’s the most curious about that? They love to pretend there’s a continuity between radically different civilizations from long ago and them. Which is particularly laughable when you realize that the Greeks were gay like a christmas tree (when the white supremacist crowd is usually rabidly homophobic), the…
Maybe he just has a black babymama.
Isn’t Oregon super racist on average? I think I read that somewhere, that there’s a shitload of white supremacists in Oregon.
Why do I get the feeling that the dumbass “officer” will cry racism for some inexplicable reason?
Hollywood is setting the tone for the rest of entertainment industry since a long time. To be more exact.
Sure. And then you voted for Hillary Fucking Clinton, of all people! Corruption and Incompetence Incarnate!
Germany is finally out of their denial phase and starts doing something about the fact that neo-nazism is still holding up there. It will take them time, but at least now they admit they see the problem thanks to the revealing and breaking up of neo-nazi terror group NSU a few years ago.
Of course what you say requires more than two brain cells to understand. Which is way beyond the mental capabilities of some 98% of society.