The entire American exceptionalism looks like an induced mass delusion to me. Because that’s pretty much how it looks from the outside.
The entire American exceptionalism looks like an induced mass delusion to me. Because that’s pretty much how it looks from the outside.
Well, turns out that Ray Person was right.
Does the back have “...WITH A CACTUS!” on it?
They won’t, they’re millenials. They’ll whine and virtue-signal til the cows come home, but they won’t change anything, not even their own underwear.
Look, if I am facepalming over yet another black girl catching shit at school because of her typical African hair, you don’t need a wypipology degree to know the people in charge are fuckstupid beyond words.
If it meant that they still would want to bomb the jeepers out of the other guys, just for woke reasons, I’d still charm the Christian fundies. Both problems solved, either by diplomatic coercion or heavy ordnance. Well, that and nothing short of magic would get rid of Christian fundies anyway, because the “woke…
Christian terrorists? New crusade? Let’s start with McVeigh, continue with Breivik and we’ll find a couple more homicidal bible-thumping kooks to prove this point.
I live in Poland, you dipshit. Right now, the local Church demands a total ban on abortion, no political party is willing to acknowledge gay marriage, and the xenophobic rhetorics of the ruling party make me retch. So I am as real as it fucking gets, you chunk of petrified excrement. Fuck, we do call the local…
Basically, 4chan is trying to hijack a non-offensive gesture, then pretend it’s offensive, and when crybabies get offended, swoop in as a supposedly neutral party and claim it’s not offensive after all.
You do realize that Daily Heil is a racist, xenophobic rag with a history of Nazi ties, and I’m talking, the genuine goose-stepping Third Reich Nazis?
Which exact school of Islamic thought are we talking about? There are predominantly Catholic countries with insane views on abortion that make the fatwas of Saudi clerics look reasonable. Then you have southeastern Europe (Bosnia, Albania, that corner), where Muslims aren’t pulling any crazy religious shit, just clan…
To this, I can only answer with “Hold my beer and watch this.”
Well, congratulations, Captain Obvious! You have finally uncovered the nefarious plot to make American food cheap and nasty! And I mean, seriously. Half the world is taking cheap shots at American food, and suddenly you discover that your chocolate is shit because the corporate overlords are cutting corners.
The big local breweries do IPAs often, and they usually blend Citra hops with some more typical ones. Good beer for summer, if you can stand the marijuana-like smell.
Wow. This is some heavy shit.
Wow, which university performed the earlier research, the Fuller-Schitt College?
Do I look like I’m from Georgia? Is my name Sarkeesian or something like that? Like hell I’m “Caucasian”!
See? This is why people react to vegans with completely justified disgust.
Well, it’s simple. One’s a statement of fact and the other’s a mental illness (or a dangerous cult at best).
Oh, now that you said it, I looked it up and majority of Flint residents is black.