Seriously Mike

Can a wizard get a target lock with magic missile not knowing what he wants to hit? That’s the most important question here.

That’s a... that’s a good idea, I like that!

Forty below?! Jesus Christ, I’m legitimately afraid of checking how cold that is in Celsius. We finally got a cold spell, 30F (above zero), after the entire December and half of January between 40 and 50, and that in Central Europe, where the winters were usually, you know, winters. 30F or less and enough snow.

Well, shit. Jezebel suddenly turns out to be a voice of reason, going against the grain of women, of all people, mansplaining Ansari’s sexual assault as a “bad date”.

Yeah. Imagine my anger when I shelled $60 for the PVE part, then Battle Royale dropped, Epic made it free and, unsurprisingly, nobody plays PVE anymore.

It’s shocking when reality does that one-in-a-million thing of confirming racist propaganda, but that’s how propaganda works, it just blows up one-in-a-million thing to supposedly common occurence. Such is life.

Nah, still looks like a BMW.

“Weren’t aware”, my hairy ass. I told you ages ago that Cage is a talentless egomaniac twat and go figure, he’s even worse than that!

And England has recently confirmed their way of thinking is alien if not outright inimical to European worldview. Contrast that with the Scandinavian efforts at inclusivity, and think for a bit.

Bungie refuses to be competent. They have what, the fourth game director now? And make the exact same error for the second time? They shitcanned the original concept for the first game along with the guy behind it, then changed the second guy for Luke Smith during the development of Destiny 1's DLCs (and the whiny

MIDA is not the top of the PVP, that spot belongs to Better Devils.

Jesus, dude, did you fuck up. MIDA Multi-Tool isn’t the best kinetic weapon, it’s not even particularly good outside some PVP uses. The general consensus is that the Nameless Midnight legendary is a better kinetic scout rifle, and that’s if you’re not using the Better Devils handcannon that has comparable range and

Meanwhile, the model’s mother, Terry Mango, stated, and I quote, “That’s my son … I’ve been to all photo shoots and this was not an exception, everyone is entitled to their opinion about this. This is one of hundreds of outfits my son has modeled … stop crying Wolf all the time, unnecessary issue.”

IDK, I know her from Person of Interest, and she was fantastic there, doing roughly the same stuff - single mother wrecking shit. Just with a badge.

Good. Now let’s do something about California woman who lied, saying 4 white men kidnapped, raped her, in order to weasel out of a DUI charge...

Starring for Brothgar.

Hey, they were professionals.

Wow, took you quite a while to dig up that quote. I managed to forget about it, actually (although yes, Dungeons of Dredmor run on cheese, lutefisk and PURE UNFETTERED INSANITY).

Oh yeah, one isolated incident, starring one isolated drama queen and one isolated pack of neo-nazi goons nobody likes. Fantastic reference material.

Yes, we fucking are more progressive, well, maybe with the exception of some backwards Middle-Eastern European shitholes that want to be the 51st state of the US, as if that’s better than belonging to the EU with their diversity training...