Seriously Mike

Huh. I haven’t thought of that either. F is alright, but MMB would make it a little handier.

That is an interesting read. While I can’t afford the luxury of being able to stream at a set hour on set days, I do try to record as much of my Destiny 2 playthrough as possible. And I’m amazed how what I feel to be an hour of gameplay turns out to be barely 20 minutes. On the contrary, Overwatch streams I did for

In the original Bionic Commando, they shaved Hitler but left the “exploding head” bit intact.

He wouldn’t be the first, half a year before World War 2 a Polish cabaret had a song that made fun of Hitler and contained the line “That mustache, oh, that mustache: is it his, or Chaplin’s? To whom the world owes more?”

Whoa, that is a scene to remember. Some people need to be reminded of their own hypocrisy.

Well, H.P. Lovecraft was like that, and his wife Sonia Greene was Jewish.

That wizard came from the Moon!

Yes. Destiny 2 on PC feels... organic, for the lack of a better word. Right now, I’m still deep in the campaign, and I gotta say that the controls feel intuitive and smooth, with barely any exceptions (salvaging gear and buying class upgrades are the weird bits). I roll a Hunter, and the prologue bit with the Golden

Yeah, you’re right. In my initial Let’s Play video I said that there’s a lot of nonfunctional glowies everywhere. And the things that your Ghost can look at (if you see a Ghost icon in the top right corner, whip him out and see what he’s looking at - there’s a nearby object you can scan for a short explanation from

Now, anyone wants to say he didn’t have it coming?

Look, I love gadgets and modern technology, but this thing has crossed the border of absolute idiocy 500 miles ago.

Since it was a part of some bundle, I may give it a try on my Youtube channel...


Remember Clara from the first game? I’m almost certain that the designer bought a subscription to on company money and had to come up with an excuse.

Hey, a full 400ml can in a purse makes for a pretty decent flail, I think.

Netherlands, I think. Where any adult can buy a pretty deadly crossbow, but only cops can carry mace and until 2015 toy guns were straight up illegal.

Huh, no A$AP Rocky in his “Full Ghetto Alchemist” getup?

How about, spending 240 local kopecks, 10% of a mid-level office job paycheck, on a game and finding out it’s shit and you can’t get a refund?

It’s funny. You’re saying that Gadjah Mada was the Indonesian leader in Civ5, and I realized something: king Casimir the Great was the leader of Poland in Civ5:BNW, but when the Poland DLC for Civ6 came out, they made Queen Jadwiga (distant relative of Casimir the Great, she’s most well known for marrying the

Wow. Wow. So snowflakes. Very alt-right. Much triggered.