And NEC branch, don’t forget that one!
I only look at the reviews if the score is mixed or negative, particularly when it drops in the recent reviews while overall is better. Because either a moronic reviewbombing campaign happened, or the dev really fucked something up.
Fucking know-it-all lily-white-ass Smug Jerk Wankers.
It’s still antiquity...
Standard Gawker Policy. Same thing happened about GamerGate - nobody would give a shit if not for Tumblr Flying Monkey Squad making way too much noise about two attention-whoring nobodies whose names I will leave unmentioned.
Destiny 2 finally comes out on PC October 24th...
That’s because their opponents are staunchly pro-gun control.
So this game isn’t any harder than Shadow of Mordor?
America. Land of the Crazy, Home of the Greedy.
Which makes me wonder: weren’t they afraid of a heist? I’d freak out if I learned that some schmo just stashed twenty guns in my casino/hotel!
Even Maul doesn’t, and he’s the most well-known Geralt cosplayer.
Well, that was the intent. Even if they won’t put a meaningful dent in the overall force of anyone sent to control them, they’ll be still damaging enough to the PRopaganda - remember how all North Vietnam needed was bogging the US force down into a stalemate? And they had guerrillas, regular army AND foreign backup.…
Rumor has it, they eat babies.
I remember that scene where he “takes” that bag of guns because the bangers crashed their car on a streetlight. Also, I find it acceptable to whack card-carrying neo-nazis. The “schmo freaking out at stuff” is more prominent, when you consider the scenes where he freaks out in a traffic jam in the beginning, trashes…
Are you shitting me? Agents of SHIELD gave up on the sleep blob guns (built from replicas of compact 1911 doublestackers, still recognizable), switched to Smith & Wesson M&Ps (what a coincidence, the compact model is known as “M&P Shield”!) and in one of the Season 2 (or 3, I don’t remember now) episodes Skye’s…
Yeah. You know what pisses me off? Actors who willingly take the roles of gun-toting vigilantes and shit, and then run to social media crying because some nutjob shot up a school or a concert. From Sylvester Stallone to Chloe Bennett, they have their heads so deep up their own asses they don’t even see how they’re…
More like limited events. That marathon defense mode is not available any more, nor are the mutators.
Well, imagine this: you got a movie producer, let’s call him Steve. Steve’s got buddies in the NRA, or the gun industry, probably both. And so, Steve comes up with a brilliant idea: let’s remake the movie that missed the point of the original book, Death Wish, by a country mile. Inner-city criminals…
Funny thing that. Remember how Al-Qaeda managed to kick the US military where it hurts in Iraq and Afghanistan? Mostly using small-caliber firearms and stashes of old explosives?