Seriously Mike

Weird, I had no problem picking up DXHR and going until the end, although I do admit several things were fucked up, like those blatantly scripted aug malfunctions that were supposed to have you “fixed” in the LIMB clinic, leading to fighting Namir with no augs (however, the funniest way of defeating him I heard of was

No, actually I didn’t. I just took a really long Wiki walk in order to have at least the most basic information why Afghanistan is such a clusterfuck since thirty five years, and who the fuck was Shah Massoud exactly. A lot of the stuff I mentioned is on the page about Massoud on Wikipedia. Plus, I find it quite a

Seriously, I think that if there were any third-party titles on the Wii that were any good, they all came from Ubisoft.

Aren’t Nintendo consoles underpowered in general? When PSX came up with the idea of using CDs, N64 insisted on cartridges. Gamecube used those pissy little 3.5" optical discs. Wii had no HD output. NX being underpowered would be no surprise.

Oh, me neither! This sort of clusterfuck clearly hinted at complete lack of perspective and relying on assumptions that weren’t necessarily true. And there was a string of those - anything just to get back at THEM at the Kremlin, or keep the business going.

Paraphrasing what?

Seriously, I get the idea that what the US intelligence was pulling all over the world since 1945 was one clusterfuck after another. They made disastrously bad calls with worrying frequency.

Not quite. You did throw shitloads of dollars at Afghanistan, but had the Pakistanis manage the entire thing on site. So they fucked you over big time, probably embezzled a good part of the money with Zia ul-Haq’s tacit approval, and then cooked up the Taliban once USSR shit itself for good.

Let’s just start with the inconvenient fact that a lot of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan threw their lot with the Northern Alliance and Ahmad Shah Massoud, who spent five years from 1996 to 2001 fending off the Taliban and asking everyone around to help. Massoud was considered the US’s main man in A-stan. And then, two

Strange. Two Abras bailed out on me today, but I managed to catch a CP 346 Machop with just one Razz Berry and one Great Ball (not counting two misses).

Maybe that’s BMW’s revenge on the American market, including obscenely expensive replacement parts? :P Somehow, they’re very popular in Europe, maybe they make them better here?

Not true. Being associated with the utter fiasco of Crazy Steve vs. Space Jesus kinda gives it that stink of the flop. Add rumors of expensive reshoots and turdible initial reviews, aaand it’s on the way to the flop house.

More like, they quoted the wrong sentence.

Bullshit. Marc Guggenheim and Greg Berlanti somehow could take several of them, hell, the concept of Suicide Squad itself, and make them work.

And there was that guy in the Goofy costume who got fired on his first day for putting his pants on backwards. :D

Yeah, as if lures work. Even if you’re lucky to have two or more Pokestops stacked in one place (turns out there’s a good couple of those over here in Warsaw, one of them in my neighborhood park), lures don’t bring anything better than the local mons - hell, I still had to walk 200 yards over to the ponds to get the

So, is it going to be, like, a 3D Starbound?

US standards suck, some European countries have even better internet.

I noticed that some Horseas and Krabbies have something better than Water Gun - a 25 damage “Bubble” basic attack.

I got “Do not play Pokemon Go while driving”.