Seriously Mike

And so the metagame shifts... from Vaporeon to Lapras and Slowpoke. So it’s still a hosedown, just with different moves.

The greasy pimply fat teen hat is a trilby, not a fedora. Just a nitpick.

Good that I know where to find Exeggutor in this city. Particularly with the reportedly absurd spawn rates thanks to massive Ingress traffic.

I think Spark’s a chick too.

Bullshit. Your shitty-ass app doesn’t work in Eastern Europe, as opposed to Pokevision. So much for your “any place” bullshit. Giddafuckouttahere, assclown.

Starbound’s finally out of Early Access, so I’m playing that.

I caught a Vaporeon today. And don’t think I told anyone.

Dude, I wish I could catch an Ekans. Last night three Weedles and a Zubat popped up right next to my block, and the local park has an abundance of Weedles and Pidgeys, with some Rattatas and occasional Goldeens and Poliwags (hey, four ponds are bound to spawn those).

Only today I came up with “The Division GO”. Considering Ubisoft’s companion apps, add some GPS and AR to those, and you could have a sellable product.

That’s a wanker move.

Gygax’s assumption is kinda self-perpetuating. “We designed games for men, and it worked, we tried designing games for women and it didn’t work because we have no fucking idea how to do it right. We paint it pink, right? With a bow on top?”

Funny, I didn’t know that and still I nailed it. It’s a long story the world isn’t ready for yet. :D

Kim what again?!

...rape jokes are still a thing?!

Oh. Now I’m terrified.

Harebrained Schemes? Shadowrun Returns? That’s a great reason to pass on this one, because Shadowrun Returns, as much as people love to delude themselves, wasn’t nowhere near a good game, what with the utterly moronic save system and insistence on using 20-year-old ruleset.

What’s the deal with Korea and GPS, technically?

Nope, “Horny” had actual lyrics, and what are you talking about was only the chorus.

Good that you mention it, because I’m wondering if any copy of the games I played on my Atari 800XL in the early 90s remains. Things like “Miecze Valdgira”, “Misja”, “Klątwa”, “Hans Kloss”, “AD 2044" (also known by the title of the movie it’s based on, “Seksmisja”), “Riot”, or the later Amiga titles I heard of, but

Yeah, he’s a massive roaring asshole. However, if you saw the movie/TV series, you would agree it’s shitty. Hell, the awful CGI dragon from the episode “Limits of Possibility” is mocked to this day.