Seriously Mike

IDK, I love my teleporters and elevators.

I think you mean Starforge, good sir. Starbound is well-supported and on its way to 1.0 release, with more and more game-changing patches being rolled out. For example, there’s an actual quest that makes you dig deep into your starting planet for a special ore that allows you to enable interplanetary travel, and

Let’s start with the fact that SJWs are those self-loathing white metropolitan progressive morons with liberal arts degree who swallow bait statements like “But Azealia Banks cannot be racist! Only white people can be racist!” in regard to Banks’ recent ban from Twitter (over calling Zayn Malik a “bitch nigga”) and

Series aren’t that good either, and even worse if you’re Polish and watched them when they came out. Worse yet, bad casting (for example, the guy who played the Russian defector in Salt was cast as the king of elves, and Dandelion looked like a hobbit in a fancy hat) coupled with a small pool of Polish actors and cult

Relax, it’s coming.

Prince of Persia and the first Tomb Raider were watchable. Silent Hill is all over the place, it nails the style, but the script is dense and ponderous, and the acting falls flat at some points.

IDK, they spent time to interview Daniel Vavra and realize that outside the US (and particularly in Middle-Eastern Europe) people see the rabid political correctness differently. That’s a bigger issue, actually, the entire post-colonial guilt trip.

Well, Luke already resisted repeating the SJW duckspeak about the supposed racism in Witcher 3 and, along with Fahey, drowned it with loud chants of “GOTY! GOTY!”

llow me to start my response with a quote from Cyberpunk 2077 creator, Mike Pondsmith:


Yes, I was about to point that one out.

Oh. Now you’re wrong.

Yep, that’s what I realized. Unless someone merely has a Weasleyan sense of humor and made it as a juvenile prank.

Says who.

The Automatron DLC for Fallout 4.

As to the Girdle, I had a fridge logic moment with it too. It would be subversively great writing, actually: most people consider getting your sex changed all of a sudden a curse, but to transgender people, being born in a wrong body is a curse, and such a girdle would actually be a liberation. While handled badly, it

New lamps and concrete prefabs. Now I’m torn between tearing some of my settlements down to rebuild them in solid concrete goodness and leaving them as they are because that construction interface is atrocious.

Heh, Bethesda already made a character named Jezebel that is a needy, ungrateful bitch who makes you fight an overpowered Sentry Bot in close quarters, forces you to spend an assload of resources on her, then insults you and finally ignores you after getting what she wanted.