Seriously Mike

Allow me to join in, because aeiuo made some valid points, but your question doesn’t have a simple answer.

So, from what I’m reading in this article, Mizhena is an atrociously badly written token caricature spouting tumblrina bullshit. And some actual transgender people don’t like her either.

When you think about it, body-mounted holoprojectors might be useful in the planning phase, when you have to check whether your droid has the correct star maps and other things loaded.

Weapon Outfitters have a clever way of watermarking their pics. Often, they hide their “WO” logo in the background, or along the guns.

You do realize that commercial use of fan art in unlicensed products is serious enough for the corporations to bring out the biggest guns? Just drop the legal dept. an e-mail, not mentioning that the knockoff artists stole YOUR work, and watch the fireworks.

Oh yeah, because there’s a difference between being shot by some paranoid gung-ho bigot in flannels and trucker hat and being shot by some paranoid gung-ho bigot with a badge and an uniform.

Please. That guy apparently lacks the imagination necessary to figure out what can you do with a spoon, a broomstick, a roll of duct tape and a rough concrete block while desperate.

Well, at least they accidentally created a term for bad DLC. And while Automatron is slightly better than I expected, particularly with the Silver Shroud bit in the final battle and the Eyebot Pods (used to seek ammo and rare materials), Wasteland Workshop is going to be a true Horse Armor.

Which, on the other hand, makes the entire debacle look bizarre, since the /b/tards love their lolis.

IDK, maybe he wiped his ass on some special snowflake’s comfort zone, comfort blanket or whatever they claim to have these days. Some comic writers are known to be raging dickbags, Frank Miller and that Liefeld guy among them.

Still profiting from Worms: Armageddon sales and the nostalgia scams they keep running for 16 years now.

120 bucks? Now, building it sounds more sensible than when it cost four times that.

Well, mate, I have one more, but it’s old hat.

Don’t steal. Particularly if you have smart players. Once they figure out what was the original, they will mercilessly exploit their knowledge and plow through your half-assed plans like a jet-powered killdozer. Also:

Oh lord, why do those shitty-ass games look disturbingly like the neo-Nazi superturd called Ethnic Cleansing?

What is WRONG with you.

Sorry, dumbass, but that bit about Israel creating Hamas is mostly true. There’s a reason for it, though: PLO received funding and training from the Soviet Union and its satellite states, Palestinian militants were trained in Poland (among others), and someone tried to bump off Abu Nidal that time when he was chilling

Not while the hammer-wielding wahhabi psychos from the Muslim Brotherhood roam free and receive covert funding from Saudi Arabia.

Which ones? Because I looked again and most things are pretty simplistic. More triangles on flat surfaces either mean a complex shape like the heat shield or the framing around that magazine/battery/tank thing above the trigger, or that the surface isn’t actually flat, like the foregrip.