I am assuming that they’re taking the piss out of the widespread phenomenon. But then, I may be giving ‘Murica too much credit.
I am assuming that they’re taking the piss out of the widespread phenomenon. But then, I may be giving ‘Murica too much credit.
Dropping Dahlia Margolis on Novikov’s head and killing them both that way seems so hilariously efficient and efficiently hilarious that I can’t think of a better way.
Mate, on a 70D going above 800 ISO isn’t a problem. That, and if you work in Aperture Priority mode, the camera should automatically figure the correct exposure time.
Wow. Someone found out that Nintendo America’s doing what it was doing for the last 25 years or thereabouts.
Change the protagonist to a chick, call her Vapor Viper, name the entire project “Steel Axis: Vapor”, watch Nathan cream his pants.
At least Togusa should be played by a Japanese actor and present in the movie. Batou and Kusanagi can be white, since they’re full-body cyborgs and some Japanese people do have an obsession with whiteness.
Not in Europe. Consider that our way of telling you “America sucks.”
Yeah, they could look at photos from Africa’s many civil wars for inspiration. Some of those folks sported pretty crazy getups. IIRC there was a photo of a guy wearing red briefs on his head - talk about “pants-on-head stupid”!
And that guy from NY, Eliot whatsisname, who was ranting about prostitution in GTA and ended up embroiled in a prostitution scandal.
It’s got one flaw, though. There’s no grip point in the rear - the front carry handle is there, but the recess in the top of the rear wall is gone.
What’s a gronk? The only thing that comes to my mind is a staph infection...
You GOTTA be shitting me. Nobody puts their faith in China these days? Not even their erstwhile allies?
I’ve heard of it and played the demo that featured a mansion level and a bossfight against some vampire chick (Lizbeth or something like it?). Pretty good, with interesting gimmicks like that supernatural sight that allowed you to reveal hidden clues.
“Fourth-wall anxiety” as a reason for not giving the player a crafting tutorial in Fallout 4. Because “you’re not supposed to know how to do things”.
Yeah, and hand over the development of Fallout games to Obsidian. They started it and know how to go on, while the plots of Bethesda-made Fallouts are too heroic and too cliche. They feel lifeless.
Wow. They went all Blood Dragon on this one.
It’s Luke Skywalker, son. His silence is over.
SWEET JAYZEUS, that sword is brutal! It’s pretty much like the MEC punch from Enemy Within - once, a Chryssalid ran up to my MEC trooper standing in the doorway, so the MEC trooper decked it. The Chryssalid folded and doorway ended up shattered.
Europe here: because lies sell great in Hollywood.