
Tammy Duckworth is awesome.

I wonder if Raiders fans have ever tried that excuse when robbing a liquor store.

Until an atomic bomb called Sherman’s Wish is dropped on South Carolina, no Southern state’s election is worth following. The majority of voters there will exhibit the sort of judgment that’s usually preceded by an utterance of, “Hold mah beer and watch this!"

“The only thing worse than being the first guy in the group to get hitched is being the LAST one to get hitched”

If Donald Trump said he wanted to build a wall around FS1, I might actually consider voting for the guy.

I can’t wait for that pivotal moment in time when Fox Sports has Skip Bayless, Clay Travis, Jason Whitlock, Colin Cowherd, and maybe Curt Schilling all under one roof.

Too bad another flag is also very popular there.


I’m pretty sure this is the same way that Train composes lyrics, except with people who suffer from Tourette's.

I’ve composed a poem/insane person rant using all of Drew’s all caps words:

They already have that. It’s called Tinder.

that’s just regular tinder in illinois

I love this so much. Every sportswriter in America should have to read this. If you put this on a t-shirt I will pay $24.99 plus shipping and handling for it. Size large.

It strikes me as really important to remember that sportswriters fundamentally are entertainers deriving their usefulness off the work of other entertainers. An elite athlete’s job is much harder to be good at than theirs (hence the pay gap). Athletes are also held to a more objective standard than writers are.

Two old white dudes screaming at each other about something that 94% of the population either doesn’t understand or doesn’t give a shit about.

“he also took the worst franchise of the four major sports and made them a perennial contender”