

How long before Eric and Don Jr shoot it?

Are you stupid? The Nobel has to single out an issue/person every year. But it’s a different one every year. They can’t give the prize to everyone, every year.

Remember their names. Remember them, they of the pro-rape caucus who would advance a sexual predator to the highest court in the land, granting him influence over the lives of all US citizens. Get them out. You can stand with survivors of sexual assault, or you can surrender your seat and leave public service forever.

Why not both?! .gif


That’s a very small piece of toilet paper for such a large piece of shit.

What tickles me the most is the fact that, without a doubt, Secret Service members noticed it and chose not to say anything. 

Truly the thing he deserves to be remembered for.

Instead of a threesome, I'd rather just play that fun drinking game "the devil's triangle" everyone is talking about. I have to watch it, too much beer and I get gassy. I heard the kids call it boofing these days.

Sounds like the writer was at some press event or Q & A deal that Drew did and just took those sound bites, wrote the piece in Arabic, and then the magazine translated that text into English.

My favorite part is all of them running to the edge like “ooooohhh it’s gettin’ good now!”

This is v real.  I should know, as I am Droo Barrimoor’s biggest fan for the longest time. 


Jesus Christ, $79 for what looks like (and apparently tasted like) cafeteria food.


You want to be a big cop in a small town? Fuck off up the model Senate.

An “investigation” that didn’t want to do its job and only lasted a single working week?

IIRC, Stephen was diagnosed before their marriage. Early on in their marriage, his family made it clear that his health was Jane’s problem and offered little if any support. As his condition worsened, Hawking wouldn’t allow sensible changes to how they lived such as having a bedroom on the main floor or hiring paid