
What if she already is, but this is the best that magic can do?

LOL. I don’t know either of these 2 chicks but once again Elizabeth Banks comes out a winner

Moaning Myrtle

I just cannot imagine Aladdin without Robin Williams...

What’s the distinction between “fan-servicey” and “reads like fan fiction”? Are they the same thing?

My mother has Alzheimers and spends a great deal of time in bed watching TV. She can’t follow very well, so she flips around and ends up watching crap. Not too long ago, I found her watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians. I said, “Mom, why are you watching this shit?” and she says, “I can’t help it. It’s

I don’t believe it either because Cursed Child doesn’t exist in my Harry Potter canon. I mean like I have to be reminded that it actually exists. When I run through Harry potter canon creations in my head, Cursed Child never comes to mind because I’ve blanked it out. I know of a lot of fans who feel the same. It’s

it really just didn’t represent the story well at all.

Yeah, personally I think it was a mistake to release the script for fans to buy. I get that fans would’ve gone crazy trying to find spoilers online, but it really just didn’t represent the story well at all.

I still don’t believe, even in the context of Cursed Child, that Voldemort and Bellatrix were lovers. The child is either a reward for Bellatrix, who wants a child from the Dark Lord’s bloodline, or is a backup plan by Voldemort for a different type of immortality.

I mean, he’s not wrong. This article, particularly the headline, makes it seem at first like Carell is making a “audiences these days are just too darned sensitive” statement like Jerry Seinfeld or Chris Rock.

The problem is the Michael Scotts of the world have taken over.

Should’ve gone with the tried and true “lifting weights with Tobin” defense.  

He’s very clearly mentally ill. If an unkept person on the bus started rambling to you like this, you’d be like [puts headphones on]. 

“I never expected the leopards to eat my face.”--Caitlin Jenner on voting for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.

I hate everything.

During the oval office trainwreck this morning, he justified his comments about getting rid of the Constitution’s 13th Amendment with “buildings don’t have a thirteenth floor”.

No, you feel terrible because you got caught and have to face the consequences. If you weren’t a terrible person and fine with it you wouldn’t have assaulted her in the first damn place.

“I guess I tried to force myself on her,” Alperin told the police. “I feel like such a terrible person for it.”