Listen, I’m as anti-NCAA as any typical Deadspin lunatic, but you need to respect some basic tenants of decency. In no canonical universe would Tony Stark use that old ass phone.
Listen, I’m as anti-NCAA as any typical Deadspin lunatic, but you need to respect some basic tenants of decency. In no canonical universe would Tony Stark use that old ass phone.
CHOSEN: How God — and Most DBs — Picked Me
Hey. They’ve improved to 43rd. I don’t see what your problem is here.
Today the @Creed Greatest Hits album was played during the team lift.
Today was a good day.
Interestingly, this actually does offend 9 out of 10 Native Americans.
It’s easy to mock microaggressions from a position of reason and perspective. It’s a stupid and flawed at a fundamental level to think that we should be free from little minor offenses at the expense of free discourse and expression.
have you noticed that when someone says “i’m not PC”, what they really mean is “i’m racist, but i don’t want anyone to call me racist”?
First, they came for the billion-dollar sports franchise nicknames and I did not speak out for I don’t own a billion dollar sports franchise.
Cruz would have to have ballz for this to become reality
yes, look how great trans people and black people and Native Americans have things in this country, they’re running the whole thing!
Considering Cersei hates everyone, I’d think this would make any scenes between her and Bronn even more realistic!
Jason, that lady was your second-grade teacher. Even though teaching left her emotionally drained and penniless to the point where she had to hitchhike to Vegas and get a job working the cash register at a casino to support herself and find inner peace, at least she consoled herself with the thought that, “At least I…
Yes, exactly like this take. Thank you for the example.
Yes, because what corporate fat cat doesn’t want all the ratings gold of media market 43 in the NBA Finals instead of market No. 6, represented by a team that has meant big ratings all year and the reigning two-time MVP?
Guys like this became legends like “Samson” and “Gilgamesh” before there were things like pictures and Internets.
Common misconception. That’s not a Pomeranian. It’s a giant Chow/Wolf mix. It just looks tiny next to him.
Now I Can Die In Peace
by Bill Simmons’ Readability
And apparently a wise one, given the amount of time he spends talking out of his ass.
I like positive posts on Deadspin.