I realize that isnt what they are doing. But do transgener people have transgender written across their forehead that says they are transgender? So how are the TSA people supposed to know?
I realize that isnt what they are doing. But do transgener people have transgender written across their forehead that says they are transgender? So how are the TSA people supposed to know?
And as a matter of fact he said he plans on retiring in a few years and going back to college for something else. He said he loves college and loves learning. He has received degrees from multiple countries. He brought in his assignments in microbiology from over 40 years ago to brag how he always got 100% on…
Hiding your identity is hiding your identity.
But that was funny.
Informative post. Thanks.
Just have the manager and assistant manager also be the repair guys.
Yeah, the warehouses that have dumped employees for robots are doing just fine. And those robots are doing a lot tougher work than what goes on in any fast food restaurant. They said that in order to get the same production they get from one robot they would have to hire three regular employees.
Im surprised it didnt happen sooner. The robots are never late, they are far more productive, they never call in sick, they dont steal, they dont need time off, they dont need vacation, and they dont ask for raises.
No, it is not common place. I am 40 years old and spend most of my time out and about and I have never once knowingly seen someone who was transgender. Unless they tell you orunless they look like John Lithgow form the world according to garp, how the hell are we to know who is and isnt transgender?
The frequency is irrelevant. Most people outside of people who this is common place would see this as something awry.
Everything you just said was irrelevant.
I do not think trans individuals are any less intelligent than any other segment of society. But I am not going to crap on the TSA people for doing what they would do to anyone they thought was trying to hide their identity. They have no idea what anyone intentions are unless previously informed.
I dont know. I just got out of a college level anatomy and physiology course and the professor with 5 PHDs and also a DVM clearly stated in our lectures that creatures with penises are clearly males. I will have to inform him males dont have penises. Surely he will rethink everything he was ever taught. Good thing I…
If you have a penis and appear to be disguising yourself as a female most people would think something may be awry. Most sane people anyway.
Again, feel free to post me citations that creatures with penises arent male. Either way it here nor there. Visibly speaking someone with a penis in this society and every society on planet earth is seen as a male. and when that male is dressed as a woman that send up red flags to most sane people. Something just…
Not a troll. Please, by all means. Show me a biology book that says creatures with penises arent males. I will wait in great anticipation for your many citations that you will surely post in short order.
Very confrontational arent you? First of all I never said either of those things were going to eradicate mosquito's but they will help. Mosquito's arent bats primary food source but they do help. And it doesnt take much effort to put up bat boxes. Maybe next time try being less of a dick. lol
Perhaps one of the traps. that uses those tanks that attracts them.
No, just being factually correct. If you have a penis you are a male.