This is drivel.
If the show only showed ugly men being the rapists, wouldn't people on here criticize the show for only showing ugly men as rapists and not showing the truth that rapists could be anyone? It seems like no matter how they would depict these types of scenes someone would have issue with the depiction.
Stop whining like a Bitch. Please. It's art.
Where exactly are all these people mad at HBO? I cant find anyone beyond about 5 people on Jezebel.
Skunk anus sounds like it would be really good with some hot sauce (says the woman who eats chitlins.)
Foods like hot dogs are Don't-Ask-Don't-Tell foods. If someone is eating the hot dog, they know damn well they don't want to think about what's in it! No bigger buzzkill than someone food-preaching at you when you're drunk at a pool party.
Yeah I hate the rush to blame anything but the girls. I just wonder what happened. Can empathy be taught or is it you either have it or you don't? It's so depressing. My heart aches for the victim.
Restaurants fail all the time, I know many of my favorite restaurants have only lasted a year or two. Yet Denny's remains.
Yeah, super petty to not like someone because they tell racist jokes about your race, thats totes dumb. Who needs standards? Not non-petty that's for sure.
Where did I belittle him? Justin Bieber is the Biebs no matter how dickish he gets. He has done many dickish things outside of racist jokes. I'm sure it gives him extra Biebspower.
That makes so much more sense, but it wasn't clear in the original comment.
Well good! I'm glad that, after all the bickering, we can all share a laugh! Hahaha! I mean, except for the actual trans folks who are still subject to violence and terror.
Until they go on strike for better lubricants and more lug nuts.
"Oh, you think you deserve $15 an hour for flipping burgers? Fuck you, we're replacing you with a robot who will do it for free."