How old is this girl? Yes, I am sure this teen went and and not only had the money to buy semen online but also did it without her parents finding out.
How old is this girl? Yes, I am sure this teen went and and not only had the money to buy semen online but also did it without her parents finding out.
Do tell us where and how the girl procured semen.
Did you really just compare something that is harmless to shooting someone? Seriously?
She stuck up for a friend. So what?
Has Allen been convicted of any crime? Is there anything beyond hearsay that he committed a crime? Is there evidence that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he committed a crime and the authorities are ignoring it? Is yes the beyond a shadow of a doubt answer to any of those…
You and me both, Cassie. Except for the name calling and vulgarity I thought it was pretty hilarious. Good thing I didnt have a sip of coffee in my mouth. I would have been more creative though. Turned the camera on the parent and say "would you like to play a game?" in the robotic voice from war games. LOL
I have gotten more information on this. Not only can the NBA not take his team they cant even force him to sell it. According to the NBAs bylaws the most they can do is fine him a million dollars and suspend him indefinitely. If he chooses to sell it will be of his own volition not because he was forced. The rules and…
Where did I say he couldnt be forced out? I didnt. What I did say was they can not just TAKE the franchise from him. Furthermore Marge Schott was not forced to sell either. She was suspended from "day to day operations" of the team several times but she was NEVER "forced out", she was not directed to sell. She sold it…
Stop using your religion as an excuse to be a bigot.
"Why did they let it go unchecked for so long? What, because it wasn't "that much" of a problem until now?"
First I will answer your second question. YES.
Now to answer your second one. There were grumblings around the league that Sterling may be a racist. But it wasnt widely known and unless you followed it closely the…
He still gets money anyway. He is a multi billionaire. He will get his revenue sharing regardless. At most he gets ticket sales and I am not sure how much of that he gets. Dont forget that not all of Sterlings employees are millionaires. Some are living paycheck to paycheck and just one day of lost wages can be…
Not playing that playoff game punishes the players just as much as the owner. The players in no way should be punished and not playing is essentially a punishment to them.
I understand. this cretin pisses ya off so much so it could get you flustered, and me to. I really dont know how much he is going to hurt the brand with what he said. I dont think any different about the league or any of its players and employees.after this Sterling is the one who said it and I think he is a cretin.…
I agree. I think it will be even more of a punishment if they were to finally win (not happening) and then the league forced him to sell.
I love Carol Burnett. I loved the Carol Burnett show and her book "this time together" was excellent. I wish I could get the entire series in boxset.
Nobody will allow them to just "take" his team. Its worth 575 million. I dont think any court in the land would say that was okay. Force him to sell? Perhaps. I dont know that any company accused of racism has ever had their business taken. Fined? Absolutely. Taken? Not a chance.
Couple that with the fact that playoff games won and series won will get you more money in your next contract.
You think someone like Chris Paul is going to give up the 200k he gets a game?
Sterling is a scumbag. But racism is not against the law. No crime has been committed.
I couldnt look at myself in a mirror if I as an owenr took tips from my server staff. Thats ridiculous.
A walk out on a saturday night is worse than a "no call no show". LOL I loved most of my expos. But I know where you are coming from. We used to hate it when we didnt have an expo because then the a hole chef would do it.