
All awful experiences. Servers dont get paid nearly enough for the idiot assholes they have to put up with. And then the back of the house staff has to take the brunt of the servers frustration because they obviously cant cuss out the customers. And the back of the house staff doesnt even get tips.

Oh please. Every place I ever worked at kept a list of people when they could who were rude, problem starters, had been comped before, or poor tippers. It isnt against the law in any way shape form or fashion to write down the patrons information from the check or receipt. Period.

Places run out of their most popular items all of the time. what kind of drugs are you on?


Uhm, wouldnt it burn certain locations? lol

How informative. lol

Teens arent dumber than ever before. But many parents are. Some parents are better than years gone buy but just from my observation more parents are completely inept. We need to get back to parents having the ability to have one stay at home. Dont care who. I would be happy to be a house husband. But kids arent

You can blame this predominately on right wing bible thumpers. The right are against abortions and they are against paying for poor kids. Yet arent capable of understanding that with better sex education and more readily available contraception's less abortions would be needed and less poor kids would be being born.

I apologize. It wasnt my intent.

I never said you did want to be murdered. I meant no offence. I apologize for the offence.

Truth hurts you, I know. That is the exact sort of mindset that think this is okay. You can come with your monumentally weak and completely devoid of any intelligence what so ever gifs but it doesnt change the facts.

That is the dumbest thing I have ever had the misfortune of reading on this site or any site. Seriously. Not even remotely close.

When you make a statement it is in fact your job to prove it. Were never in debate? Let me guess. You trust all and any government completely? This is a horrible precedent. This is Nazi shit.

Burden of proof is on you not me. Ad hom? Really? HAHA!

No, it was for just the opposite. Just because I dont agree with the mass DNA testing doesnt mean I dont recognize how horrible it is.

I understand. I think its worse than murder. You get murdered and its done. You get raped and you have to relive it for the rest of your life. And if you are a child? I cant even fathom the horror.

"They will be destroying all the samples that don't match. There is no registering of them."

Prove it.

"If you have nothing to hide you havenothing to fear." -Joseph Goebbels

"If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. " -Joseph Goebbels

Their parents are probably bible thumping wingnuts and forced these boys to wear these shirts.