
^^ THIS ^^

This is what happens when you eat too many Ls.

Jameis Winston standing there by himself trying to look hard after none of his teammates made the slightest effort to hold him back—when it was damn clear to everyone that’s what he wanted—is a goddamned Christmas miracle.

You did say that but the cuck-y “If thats what she wants to do maybe you should accept it, sex work is not a big deal” vibe of the rest of it was really off putting. Like not wanting other dudes fucking your wife is an outdated concept of another era that we’ve moved past.

In the rest of the article you really make it seem like it’s his fault for not adapting or not putting effort in to making or accepting her life decisions. She decided to do porn all on her own. That’s a huge step to take that effects EVERYONE in your life. You don’t just decide this and everyone has to just adapt

I thought this was the best scene in the movie. One, because it looked incredible artistically, sounded cool the way the sound of the explosion came later (yes, I know space is a vacuum and there’s no sound but still), but also because it meant that the most horrific character since Jar Jar Binks was gone.

Those were all Gungans and in the extended Blue Ray version they’re all gonna have voices and throughout the whole fight they’re gonna be saying shit like “Oopsie me have a stabby” really loudly

The original trilogy had the benefit of having no (at the time) story line baggage. You can set the initial backdrop of an empire and emperor because, sure, why not?

Is there seriously no middle ground between a nine hour trilogy of movies and, like, a five minute scene of backstory TOPS? And comparison to the original trilogy is such a whatboutism, c’mon now. Just because the Empereor was an ill-defined, mysterious bad guy doesn’t mean it’s okay for Snoke to be.

People are comparing Snoke’s lack of a backstory to Palpatine’s lack of a backstory. But they’re not the same. Palpatine was set up as an established part of that universe. He’s like Sauron, the big evil force that has been terrorizing the world.

JJ Abrams: “Well, fuck. Where the hell do I take this now? I’m all about posing questions and mysteries. I’m shit at actual conclusions.”

JJ Abrams: “Who is Snoke? Who is Rey? What will their paths cross again? Come back in two years for the stunning answers to all these questions!”

Oh c’mon now, don’t pull a No True Scotsman on us.

“everyone who disagrees with me is a troll”

I get what the director was trying to do, but the problem is that he did it at the expense of established characterization and common logic.

Would it have been so terrible for the last Jedi Master to kick a little ass before he dies? Everyone in the audience wanted that to happen!

...“look like a horrible person”. Customer service agents aren’t there to be abused because you don’t like the corporate policy. You guys booked an airline with a policy you knew you would find a problem and harassed a random worker with no control until they bent the rules for you (who knows if they got in trouble or

“To which I march up and begin yelling”

Um, the NFL cares a great deal. It has demonstrated itself to have a vested interest in suppressing evidence and public discussion of the frequency and severity of the brain injuries suffered by its workers.

Just because Ross put me in a type of mood. The type of parent who can make horrible shit that happened to someone else seem trivial because they have kids is an annoying waste of space.