I think it’s shit he ends up homeless, but I doubt he had much to do with protecting your internet access.
I think it’s shit he ends up homeless, but I doubt he had much to do with protecting your internet access.
You don’t buy it because you don’t understand the point being made.
This isn’t Jezebel, there’s no points for value signalling here.
I think Damon is more concerned that we know he is 6'2". How Meghan feels about her ancestry doesn’t matter to him, as a man he knows better right?
He’s a producer not an actor.
Suicide sure is funny, glad you slipped that in there lol
For you it’s a game. For Epic it’s their business and for their employees it’s their job.
It’s not lol, Thompson’s comment is sublimely ignorant.
Have you no idea how many game studio’s have gone bankrupt or been absorbed by larger studios with actual money?
You should write for these guys!
No, she didn’t. That’s the problem.
He said he knew she was awake because she said “Touch me again and i’ll break your fucking arm” something she doesn’t dispute. That’s why he can pinpoint the moment. If you don’t want to believe he thoughT she was awake that’s fine but at least read the interview properly before commenting.
Draft your complaint letter to Ali’s estate.
No it isn’t. Where do you get your research?
No, what it proves is that a black athlete can’t tell people to come and talk to him in person without it being perceived as a threat. He literally has to constantly reassure people that he isn’t looking to hurt anyone.
You’re boring and have no sense of humour.