seriously, if the driver can’t turn away for a second or five from the task of driving lest he or she dies or commits mass homicide using his or her car, what exactly is the point of these autonomous or semi-autonomous things?
seriously, if the driver can’t turn away for a second or five from the task of driving lest he or she dies or commits mass homicide using his or her car, what exactly is the point of these autonomous or semi-autonomous things?
Drivers are taking their eyes off the road without concerns because they bought a system that says it drives for them.
I wish they’d stop calling it “Sensitivity Training”. I don’t need someone to be”sensitive” with me, and hold my hand or coddle my feelings. And imo that’s what these trainings come off sounding like. Perhaps changing it to “Lessons In How To Be A Goddamn Decent Human Being” or something?
This is like dipshit hipster politics. “Pssh, I knew the government was corrupt WAY before you. Get with it.”
Jasper becomes Eli from “The Book of Eli”.
Argh! I loved it! I love that the humor was stupid funny without making them bad at their jobs or falling into too many tropes. So many great characters!
Title of this cancellation’s sex tape. :(
This is neither “noice” nor “tight”. Terry does not love this news.
As a middle-aged attorney, I have seen this a lot: former hot-shot lawyer turns into senile attorney who refuses to retire.
More like Pooperintendent amirite
It’s simple. His district doesn’t have a phantom pooper problem, therefore his district is outperforming its peers, justifying his generous salary.
That and we need to just accept that Kanye is not a well man. He exhibits so many signs of mental illness and that makes it so easy for people to feed him misinformation. It also makes it easy for him to be used as a mouthpiece for the whitewashed opinions of history.
Would a bread bowl be considered a soup sandwich......?
Right, he felt that. I don’t think Kanye gets any kind of that talk...straight talk...from anyone around him.
Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.
Except he left it in the car within reach of his two young children and his partner. So apparently the walk from his house to his car is where the real danger lie. Or maybe he was hopinhis toddler would protect her mother from any danger?
He’s apparently not that well-versed in safety. There’s never any reason to pull the trigger on a gun, loaded or not, unless you’re pointing it at something you’re okay putting a hole in. the rush to make sure you’re the first commenter to pluck the lowest-hanging fruit, sometimes mistakes are made.
I can’t decide if it’s funnier if Hannity really was using Cohen as a hush money go-between like his other two clients, or if Cohen named Hannity as a client just to make it seem like he had more and they really only talked real estate in passing.