
Michael Cohen is based in New York. New York is a one party consent state, meaning only one party of a phone conversation needs to be aware of the recording for it to be legal. Thus, if Cohen knew he was recording others, it was legal.

“I’m a germophobe!” Says the guy raw-dogging porn stars while their pregnant wife is at home.

Seriously - fuck some many things about Trump, but fuck his tie length the most. Leader of the free world (*gulp) looks like a freshman at prom (+200 lbs).

“All complaints should be sent to our Offices pictured here”

I look forward to his apology press conference.

It’s actually a flattering portrait. I’m being quite serious. The monster is both narrow and symmetrical.

This is really kind (perhaps too kind!) praise that I’ll try to live up to. My hope is that Kotaku can continue to take the time to really look at games and what they’re doing.

Thank you so much for this wonderful review. I had no interest in playing Metal Gear Survive, and honestly still don’t. But this review is one of the few times I’ve thought a game journalist scratched the surface of examining games in the same way other “art” is analyzed.

Thanks. This is a really nice comment that made me smile. I’m really grateful to Stephen for letting me have the extra time to really write something with a bit more detailed analysis.

Thank you for your excellent analysis and actual deference toward some the people who slogged to make this happen. THIS is what game journalism could/should be, not a laundry list of graphics/sound/gameplay, but a keen eye to observe even a bad game as an important cultural artifact.

Well to be fair to all the bible thumping rubes, Obama was exceedingly black.

Wasn’t this their plan all along? Make some feel-good announcements that sound great, but will fold faster than Superman on laundry day when faced with age discrimination suits. Then they shrug their shoulders and say “whelp, we tried, now back to business”

Me and my Uncle Aunt

Touch of Greyscale


There are legitimately putting me in a bad mood. Are there more?

These are the worst things I have ever seen. So frustrating!

She almost had it, but Camerota made a counterpoint that also got missed in the Loesch shit-spray: mass shootings aren’t that shocking/ratings grabbing anymore. Compare Columbine to Virginia Tech to Sandy Hook to San Bernadino to Fort Hood to Bataclan to Pulse to Las Vegas to this shooting. There’s coverage, there’s

Yeah cuz we can definitely only do one thing at a time right?

He knows he’s saying “Old Baby Boomer Scary Word Bingo”. The rest is just semantics.