
They will vote exactly the same because they can’t even admit it to themselves.


Started seeing a new girl within the past few weeks

They’ve been dating a few weeks...


Beautifully executed nipple Salchow.

Your ability to not offend is wholly dependent on the behavior of other people, so unless you are clinically delusional, in that you believe you have the ability to control the thoughts of others (in which case you need to be hospitalized), you’ve really written some of the dumbest crap that will appear on the

I think this is an interesting issue to consider as well.

I’m really interested to see what the NFL would look like as a niche product. More than any other, it thrives as a spectacle. Big stadium, big lights. Everything is monumental. It’s already weird seeing how they try to cover up the half filled stadiums. What happens when the Super Bowl becomes optional for sports

Yeah... and.... ugh, I hate saying this, but if the only sentence in the entire book about Natalie Portman’s character’s race was the one listed above about “high cheekbones that spoke to the strong Asian heritage on one side of her family,” ... then I lean towards believing that the Director could have missed that


Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

I still thought they would somehow go 90+ yards in less than a minute with no timeouts, get the 2 point conversion, and win in overtime. I thought the Eagles would regret running it three times and settling for the field goal. No comeback is too surprising anymore with them.

“The script is flipped! Tom Brady - bereft on the turf! It has lit-rully been RIPPED from his grahsp!”

“Former Vet,” unless he has also been a once-but-no-longer-practicing-Veterinarian, is an oxymoron- veteran means someone who has done something in the past; you can never stop being a veteran of something you were a veteran in the past. If you want two words you could say Military/Army veteran, or “Former US Army

The goal of this memo and everything else the GOP/Fox has been doing for the last year re: Uranium and Seth Rich and everything else isn’t to get something to stick, it’s to create so much noise that whatever Mueller uncovers will be just another blip on the screen and they’ll have cover for ignoring it. I’d love

I think that’s basically it. People were watching him because that’s what Fox News provided. They love Fox News; the talking heads and bloviators are interchangeable.

I’m actually kind of surprised that BillO is having such a difficult time finding his footing. Sure, he was let go from Fox for repeated sexual harassment allegations. But let’s face it, no O’Reilly Republican has made that their line in the sand.

This is precisely correct. When autopilot can legally, and autonomously, take me home from a bar i will be interested. But i doubt that happens in lifetime.

I assume we can look forward to Penn State erecting a statue in honor of Simon soon.