[plays video] Don’t see anything.
[plays video] Don’t see anything.
He could have been the best darned public servant, ever - but he sure wasn’t qualified to be a judge.
Who wants to bet at LEAST one police officer has stated his “color blindness” led to this “terrible misunderstanding” and was at least 30% serious?
Yup. A permanent underclass that is too poor, too powerless, has too few resources to fight back.
Which is stupid and shortsighted as fuck, even for Republicans, because in a generation the stuggling poor will be pushed out by advancing robots to take care of cheap, uneducated labor. Good luck with that problem, Republicans!
Yesiree, Bob! This is the crucified crux of it! They hate us, but they need us. As the stranglehold of the 1% gets tighter, we need to keep our eyes on all of the options available to fight back, including a birth strike.
No one thinks they’ll ever need assistance, they’re all just temporarily embarrassed millionaires!
And if they do need help, well *they* deserve it! Not like that mooching single mom with 5 kids by 5 guys, getting drive through in her brand new Mercedes and living large off her welfare cheque. No Sir, they’re a hard…
That Apple iPad girl? She’s lying. She knows what a computer is. Don’t play dumb with me, little girl. Typing away on an iPad in a Brooklyn backyard is sucky and you know it. Get a real laptop.
And their cannon fodder as Haley ramps us up for war with Iran (which is happening as they do all this other shit to screw us over).
Absolutely positively 100% on the nose TRUTH.
Right, because if there aren’t enough new kids soon labor will become scarce, and companies will actually have to really compete for workers (the horror!) instead of being able to screw them over with shitty wages and zero benefits.
This. They want to make a perpetual underclass to work for them and keep funneling money upward.
“In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The police, who are are trying to plant some shit on me, and bitch I got lawyer money.”
Yeah but in order for this to work Alabama needs to throw a challenge flag and refuse to leave the field.
I am bowled over by the stream of puns flowing in.
Ureters can’t wait for the article that confirms it’s all true, A.V. Club!
We’ll have to wait until Bladder-mir Putin confirms it.
Steele to Trump: “Ammonia case!”
Finding out if it’s true or not should be our number one priority.