
Gallons or it didn't happen.

How is AirPlay a "fiercely guarded ecosystem" when I've got no less than 6 Android apps that can beam to my AppleTV, an AirPlay plugin for WMP, and Erica Sadun's invaluable AirFlick running all the time in OSX?

I don't understand one of the points you make here: In what scenario that a MacBookAir/UltraBook can be balanced on one's lap to type one (relying on the weight of the base unit and the friction of the display hinge to stay open) would a magnetically attached keyboard be preferable? I'm not knocking the concept MS has

3.45 inches? How about marginally pleased to see you...

And one can only hope you home school them, so that your precious little disease bearing snowflakes don't infect others as a result of your hippie granola ignorance.

Simpsons did it (albeit with ice cream)

The current rate of inflation is +/- 3%, I'd be amazed if you're getting anything close to 1% on a standard savings account or 1.5% on a CD, so you're money isn't so much earning interest as it is loosing less value than it would be if you hadn't saved it in an interest bearing account.

It is only controversial to those who seek to limit women's reproductive choices and at the same time cut funding to the programs that would most benefit the results of that decision (poor children, single mothers, residents of foster care) I know it's frowned upon to be political around these parts, but one can only

Find ALL of Romney's tax returns and post them.

Took a trip using my old (allegedly no longer valid) green card (no CDL at the time) breezed through SFO, but got the 3rd degree @ FLL on the return. Pulled out of check-in, Security Theatre dude asks for info, calls number and quizzes me about my past to verify identity. Finally get waived through, in the confusion

Except that most of these companies are based in California, where non-compete clauses are illegal. []

Local news covered this last night and according to them, what BestBuy did was illegal in CA (and probably many other states that give a rat's ass about consumer rights) They deprived customers of the opportunity to shop elsewhere for bargains during a time limited period, and there is a cost associated to that. A

Morbidly obese Samoans, Mmmmmmm.

Have you been to Leonardo Da Vinci lately? The entire passenger area has a catwalk above it patrolled by what look to be male models wearing jaunty berets and carrying machine guns. Last time I checked in for a flight there, I was pulled for additional screening 3 times (the last time at the gate just before boarding

Maybe not so much forced, but had the inside track on available opportunities? Why go through the hassle of applying, interviewing, etc., if you "know someone that knows someone" nepotism is a long standing tradition...

2 Points: All this "tomorrow-ism" from a company that can't get BBM and native mail running on their make it or break it next generation tablet (and presumably phones as well, yet)? and the day I need to ask permission from some corporate goon to run an app on MY OWN PHONE, is the day I look for another job.

Folks? Grandkids? Far away? FaceTime! iPad2 (or wait for a KindleFire2 assuming they'll add a cam)

Clueless grandparents buy an Augen running Eclair.

Blame it on Lion auto correct? I do.

Totally! So much easier to skip tracks/change stations by feel - camera.... eh... better there unused than not there and needed