Sergio DS

I agree with everything you said except “It became famous, but only among gearheads.” 

I think the problem here is that you can’t actually market this thing to people who don’t know about cars. There’s no wool-pulling. It’s not like the Urus (I finally have an excuse to drive a Lambo!) or some heritage-laden tweedmobile (Careful with the Jag, darling).

Lots of car names became famous to normies for

I love the G-wages but lolForever at seeing it on a muddy hill.

So the US is running away from protecting its ally who defeated IS for it, so fast that the US had to bomb US bases because they didn’t even have time to bring their ammunition with them, handing Russia and Iran control of Syria...

Fun aside. Swindon also supplies the engines for more than half of the British Touring Car field.

Going from V12 to 12V? Now that’s a switcheroo.

I have ideas. 

Red and white like the bloody phlegm you cough up as you succumb to your lung cancer, emphysema, etc.

Make sure you record the event in landscape mode.

I’ll need five gallons of diesel and some high-octane gezzaline...”

People are so irresponsible. Don’t they know that plastic grocery bags are terrible for the environment?!


When interviewed for the Nine O‘Clock News, Mr. Rockatansky blamed the Jews for the oncoming hurricane, the price of gas and everything else wrong with the world’.

Good to see China has graduated from stealing intellectual property to stealing physical property. 

For those who might actually be into it, the car’s still for sale in Los Angeles as I write this!

Now playing

This article is fitting as Motorweek just released a Retro Review of the M5 this morning:

Film that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. I have their song “P.S.” from one of the sampler CDs you’d get with Contemporary Music Journal magazine. Considering I liked it enough to include it on one of the mix CDs I’d burn to listen to at work (wow, that preceding statement was just dripping with

According to the msrp, you’re $100k off.

True, but it seems pretty insane to buy a car dedicated to driving you 10-20 miles per day, for what I assume will be well over $30k. Even driving 10 miles each way, working 5 days a week with no days off, getting only 20mpg and will gas at $3.00/gallon, you are only spending like $780 a year on gas. The car is still