Sergio Del Valle Clemente

At least it’s not Assassin’s Creed concept art.

Wonderful 101 is an amazing game! Very original, intense, fun, impressive... Kinda hard to get into but as soon as you begin to master how it works, that is one of the most rewarding thing ever! I love Platinum Games, their games are amazing (I love both Bayonetta too)

Platinum Games is a modern day Treasure.

Don’t worry, everyone.

Come on guys, all jokes aside, Wonder Red deserves a place in Smash. W101 is exclusive to Wii U, a stellar game, and has a character moveset, personality and style that is practically designed for Smash Bros. I know the game isn’t hugely popular but having Red in Smash would be a king maker.

Why create a new game if you can reskin an older one!

This. Pat, Woolie and Matt pretty much explain all the reasons why this game is awful hot mess... Well all David Cage games are.)

Honestly, I couldn't take this game seriously after Lucas got superpowers and had zombie sex with Carla. (I still can't believe I'm typing that sentence.)

No way. The story didn't get twisted. It fell to pieces. It completely failed to deliver on questions and promises made throughout the first half of the game, and the final climax was practically non-existent. I can distinctly remember the end credits rolling and thinking "are you fucking kidding me? That's it?"

Are you kidding? That game was terrible. It's a series of QTEs and a story that completely falls apart in the third act. I don't know if I've ever been more disappointed with a video game.

"By our standards, it was the kind of contract that you give to an individual who creates a franchise like Assassin's Creed, and deserves a certain amount of control of his destiny. A lot of what they probably didn't like was that Patrice had a certain amount of independence to build that game and to continue with

"The gay joke in Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon is harmless. Or is it?"

My reaction when I read the headline: "Here we freakin' go again."