Sergio Del Valle Clemente

Time to fire up AstroBoy: Omega Factor to forget this utter dissapointment...

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I’ll leave this here. Best viewed at 60fps

Nope, no spriter, everything is done the traditional way. Probably Graphics Gale

What is this from?

I really, really, REALLY hope that wonderful 101 gets a sequel. That game have so much heart... Something missing this days. Most underrated game of this generation

To those who don’t want to search “degloved face” expecting the worst, you are right. Remember T2 when Arnold “degloves” his fist and says “listen to me very carefully”? Pretty much that but with part of her face... :S

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Typing that article with a straight face just after the release of Grim Fandango HD must have been hard.

Doesn't this go against the very idea of cheering? I mean, people do that stuff to show their human emotions toward the players and motivate the human players.

"Each character has strong and weak attacks that can be chained into various combos. Some knock opponents to the ground while others send them flying. Each character also has a dodge and a dash that, while different-looking, play exactly the same"

So you mean like King of Fighters, SNK vs Capcom, Last Blade, MvC...

No, thank you, George Lucas

Look for "Paperman" on youtube. You're welcome

D.J. Powers is actually a pretty sweet name

You mean Saturn's 3D pad introduced true triggers, right?

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The lack of Ninja Baseball Bat-Man is dissapointing