
I don’t know why people hated Sky High.

More accurately, he acts the way most actual sons of rich guys act.

I loved Solo, I loved TLJ, I love Star Wars. I’ll watch whatever new content there is to watch. But Solo should be coming out in three months, not four months ago. Marvel caught lightning in a bottle. Star Wars should have never tried to do the same.

There will never be enough Good Place.

You know for someone who’s apparently a fan of SFDebris’ Opinionated Reviews you really have a hard time telling the difference between your own opinions and fact. You not liking TLJ is your opinion, just because you like or don't like something doesn't mean everyone else has to or they're wrong.

Hyperbole drive....ENGAGE!!!

One new major film every two years was plenty. The big problem with the “anthology” side of things is that they decided to chain it to the original trilogy, limiting what stories could be told and how they could be presented. They really should just not have even considered side movies unless some promising director

If the entire cast of the The Americans doesn’t go home with statues I want to see bodies of Emmy voters stuffed into suitcases, thrown into a tires and set on fire, strangled in the back of airport shuttles, etc.

Based on what we know about Jared Leto the person and what we saw of Jared Leto the Joker, I’m relieved we were subjected to so little of his performance.

Because the present day aspects of The Killing Joke are pretty dodgy (i.e. the sexualisation/fridging of Barbara Gordon). The genius of The Killing Joke mostly lies in the Joker’s sadsack origin story, which is what this film seems to be focusing on.

Please stop.

I knew a guy who was a regular at the game store I frequented who said the final straw for his divorce was the fact that his wife wouldn’t let him commit to a 5th night of playing Dungeons and Dragons a week. This guy was married and had three kids and couldn’t understand why his wife was pissed.

OR you could just keep making records like Everything Will Be All Right in the End or their White Album.

I mean, if you’re married to someone who prioritizes Fortnite over you, divorce is probably a pretty good option.

Ya never really appreciate the whole “inclusion can be incredibly meaningful!" thing until some marvelous creative team smacks you in the face with a laser-targeted facet of your personal history. Todd’s breakup scene was an absolute nuke of an emotional beat to this twenty-something ace who had almost that exact

Came here to complain about that myself. Hey Emmy voters!

You know the (totally mythical) story about how NASA spent $20 million to develop a pen that would work in space? Well Hulu took it too literally and spent $20 million on a Penn that doesn’t even make it to space.

BOY was I terrified during that scene with Diane and BoJack drunk and Diane getting drunkenly closer to him when talking about being single. You know you’re in a bad place when even a wasted BoJack can smell a terrible idea first.

Are you counting Asians as white? Korean culture was a pretty big part of Gilmore Girls.

1950s, eh?