Unspiek, Baron Bodissey has space lasers for hire

When I worked for a landline telco company out west, I was assigned a job to install a phone line in a trailer in a rural area. When I arrived the woman who lived there showed me where she wanted the jack installed. I noticed there was plywood separating the trailer in two but thought she was having repairs. I go

yeah, but does it have a caterpillar drive?

“a man who would make a pun, would pick a pocket.” - Alexander Pope

Chuck Norris wishes he was Chuck Yeager.

Sorry, your math doesn’t check out. In the last fiscal year Apple sold 217M iphones. .001% of 217M is 2,170, not exactly tens of thousands. Sorry to be pedantic lol. 

Can we please stop adding gate to things. Watergate was the name of the hotel, not Nixon having an issue with water lol

They have every right to buy them. And we have every right to block them from the US financial system in return. I fail to see what’s confusing about that.

You can set up Google photos to backup any folder you want. Just add the one where your camera app saves the pictures. 

“I don’t recall asking you a god damn thing,” is definitely a thing I felt like yelling in Lindsey Graham’s direction.

I’m not sure about that. Do they like having filthy restrooms?

A mi me ha pasado lo mismo con Linkedin, y no sólo a ti. A muchisima gente. Sabes lo que leí de una gerente en Linkedin? Que la red está para hacer negocios, no para buscar empleo. El que busque empleo que se vaya a otras redes. Si, si...tal como lo lees. Una pena.

The “black Kenyan muslim” has been your President for 8 years.

So what would make you happy?  1%?  2%?  Oh you just bring that number up because you don’t know how confidence in statistics works and think the only way to survey is to get 100% responses.  Get of here rookie go back to school and learn something on sampling.

Unfortunately, Firefox has created its own NEW demons by killing their old extensions. So you have to decide between the CONSTANT pestering from Chrome BEGGING you to login or Firefox’s new limited extension options.

For the life of me I can’t remember if I’ve seen these or not. 

It’s been 1984 in China for the last two thousand years.

And every time I see it (which is every day nearly), I can’t help but think of the missed opportunity:

Architects finally driven mad by the lack of Saabs.

Loving this reference makes us old...