Lol anyone who uses the term “npc” thinks they’re special but, in reality, is a nobody. You’re not the “main character”, you’re a fucking loser clinging to some semblance of importance bestowed by 4chan boards and incel forums.
Honestly for the food court, this will probably be a huge benefit to the paying members.
Turns out designing and engineering are two different things
Has it really been 1,827 years since Ford was President? My, how time flies
Per hbomberguy it often does work like that. That said, I’m just bitching about YouTube-ification of discourse. Always glad to see your writing mang.
This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve read on Jalopnik all year (and that’s saying a lot). The “extremely lopsided on paper” comment completely OMITS what was admitted in the very first paragraph: the Cybertruck is towing a copy of the car it’s racing!
C’mon. Are you trying to turn Jalopnik into drug store tabloid?
Dude balked at the $25k blackmail and then said, “sure, murder for $200k it is.” Am a bit confused by the $955k number though, where did that come from?
No dice. Even Reagan wouldn’t have wanted to invade this Granada.
It’s literally proven science, and has been for seventy years.
I have the urge to sing that in the style of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” for some reason.
Top gear needs to die. I love the new hosts and the new show, but the whole thing reminds me of a show they did recently- they found old cars that would be perfect for new drivers because they were more authentically drivers cars- and the cars were legitimately cool, but at the end of the show, they all came to the…
Have you considered not shopping there?
You don’t know much about Vegas, only what the media shows you. Many people live there because of the cost of living (no state income tax being a big benefit) and many other reasons that have zero to do with the hospitality industry.
When David Foxx reached out to Jalopnik, he was on his 10th day of a 19-day vacation
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