Unspiek, Baron Bodissey has space lasers for hire

Blade Runner 2099? Please don't revive me for it.

Huh, good luck. They’ll film the first tome and call it a day.

Pity it didn’t come in time to avenge Bambi’s mother’s death.

This has come to Simpson-esque levels of ridicule.

And is its ending going to be faithful to the novella's?

No use crying like a woman over something you didn’t defend like a man. It was in our hands to turn those datacenters into ghost halls and we dropped the ball because funny cats.

Pity I won’t sit through a slideshow. I’ll find out elsewhere.

I read elsewhere that H5N1 avian flu was found in bottled milk and authorities warned against drinking raw milk...

This article originally appeared on Jalopnik”

2026? What’s the rush? Make it 2030 or 2035, I’d rather be dead than watch a half-baked movie.

Gut. Another reason for offbrand parts and cheap phones. Unless your chic-ness forbids it that is.

A long time since Sugar, Sugar.

Until just now, huh? I’d say since PageRank went up for sale but hey, who am I to argue.

Oh yes, I mean there’s a market for that and even I got my kicks when Det. Munch interrogated the Lone Gunmen about what were they doing next to a naked, feverish and babbling Mulder, back when brick phones were a thing.

So very true especially when we can’t look into one. But we can make a couple of informed guesses.

Oooo, look at the badass way he winds up his watch, seems like poised to whip a suspect’s ass with it. Strange that no one at Hackaday hasn’t yet taken up to build Tracy’s radio wristwatch. Or maybe somebody already did but I overlooked it.

Not that impossible... if we manage to avoid the sixth extinction. After reading my share of SciFi I would have chosen the Brave New World to live in and somehow worm my way into the World Controller’s office but it’s a future too good to be true.

Must be a service for people with issues.

Eff you cee kay. So we’re theoretically capable of looking at a naked singularity, even if we’re not capable of telling anyone how it looks. I mean, IIRC how Kerr rotating holes work.