Unspiek, Baron Bodissey has space lasers for hire

Buyers sometimes press themselves -or more accurately, ourselves- into believing everything’s alright and closing the deal pronto. Somehow we can’t bear the idea that that beauty may go to someone else, specially if we liked it at the first sight.

It’s “everyday’s bread” as we say. Day in, day out.

My dad is an über-fan of The Sopranos. Though I don’t think he followed the careers of the cast as closely as he did with The Godfather’s crew.

Now playing

Here is this video I once watched when looking for videos of the Mercury Marauder. Guy here buys cars, fixes and keeps them for a while till another toy shows up. Bought this FL Marauder and took it home to Okla with no plates and what do you know, he gets eventually stopped (at the end of the video says he was

This reinforces my belief that the GOP selects the shittiest people legally allowed to run for office just to p.o. the rest.

Nothing a nice trip to the Bahamas can’t fix.

I like how they look, that’s all. Save for the Ford Lighting and the Teslas, all the others look like toys to me.

GOP and asshattery they go together like a horse and carriage,

Pity. Just when I liked an EV other than a Tesla it turns out to be a Viet-Con.

Pity about those many decals. It could have made .9 sec flat without them.

Es una cosa de la edad.

I already took for granted I’d be watching some kind of targeted ads every day. I launch TuneIn for some music before sleeping and the city’s mayor is there telling me about the last overpass he just inaugurated and how hard he’s working for us. I launch Outlook in the morning and of course there are the day’s offers

Leave it for the teenagers. When I was young I packed a mattress in the back seat, just in case you know, I needed to sleep in my car.

I always wondered how in a post-apocalyptic world people still had access to gasoline, oil, tires and electricity to build and run these contraptions. My suspension of disbelief goes only so far.

(don’t ask me how I know that)

Even if he supports his mom?

If it pays... the top dog has a knack for choosing saleable cars or he did his due diligence understanding his market. I’d rather have my nephew of course working on what his degree is for but at the moment he’s content with having a source of income while he lands a better job.

Having Whitaker playing you is almost an homage. That is what bothered me when he played Idi Amin.

I dunno. I mean I don’t care for those car flippers or their customers or even the cars themselves. But the market works. One of my nephews in lieu of a formal job is working part-time for one such outfit bringing cars and he can get pretty busy at times. I call him affectionately “my Kowalski” like the guy from the Va