My thoughts exactly.
My thoughts exactly.
Silicon Knights, once you're done with Too Human, please release Eternal Darkness on the 3DS and maybe even have a sequel to it for a home console ;3
Yeah, it's Police 911, I played that like yearsssssssssssssss back, 6-7yrs. It was a fun arcade experience but I can't see myself playing something like that for a long amount of time o.o
Not that safe ;D
I've been playing it for about 5hrs in my dark room and I randomly see my reflection on my monitor (which makes me laugh).
You might be over exaggerating. Today I got home from work and played a few of the games from the potato sack along with 4-5 friends online. It was fun getting lost in each game and then changing over to a new one every few hours, normally i'd end up playing 1-3 games for a few months, move to another, repeat. It was…
They're really running out of room over there :O
That's what they should update on TF2! New game modes and reintroduce old maps! Like Casbah too! I know some of the maps exists from the community, but it wouldn't hurt for Valve to release them officially ;D
TFC was the first online game I ever got addicted to as a kid. I remember playing from 7am to 7pm with just random breaks in between. I wouldn't sleep the day before school just so I could get a few more hours in. Terrible @.@
If you like fighting games or ever wanted to try it out, its honestly amazing for the 3DS! I will say this though, if you're new to fighters or give up easily, don't buy friend always gives up on something and calls it bullshit and this is why I only played him once :D
Exactamundo! I could care less how they look, just as long as they work.
One does not simply ignore 23 flavors.
I've waited years for a portable version of this, no, I literally dreamed of it...
The Foundry does this (or something very similar) with their compositing software: Nuke(X). I'm pretty sure it's aimed at businesses who at times require the software. It's about time they did it, i'm sure The Foundry makes a ton of cash over it :o
I know they sell CS5 for students (forgot exactly how much) but I think they're aiming for companies/businesses with this plan.
mMmMm oatmeal :]
"I didn't fail the test, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong..." - Benjamin Franklin
Same here. I never play for more than 2 hours really. Even if I did, i'm sure I'd be somewhere where if I had to charge, i'd be able to.
I lose so much respect for companies due to some of the idiots who represent them when they talk crap about their competition. It seems unprofessional in my opinion.
See, this is how you get into my wallet. Well, i'm still not 100% on it but at least now i'll definitely get a chance to try it out!