
Code expired :\

Code expired :\

What a time to be alive.

They need to package this with the first Risk of Rain and bring it to the Switch. It’d be a massive success on that platform T_T

Does he not realize that a majority of the characters on The Simpsons are all exaggerated stereotypes? Ay yai yai ._.

Today I learned that microbes look like hot dogs wrapped in lettuce. I shall teach my children the same.

If I had the space for this thing, i’d definitely pull the trigger D: That aside...those LEDs make it look like boobies :3

Not a single mention of booby traps?!

I honestly loved Pocket since back when they rebranded from Read It Later but the more articles I stored in it, the more I realized how many basic features it lacked which made me unsubscribe from their service.

Maybe this isn’t how they intended their service to function but after years of adding articles and saving

I’d suggest Jobby’s GripTight ( over this one. It may be slightly bigger but the issue with this product is that it uses a the charging port D:

All this time I thought I was developing seasoning like with cast-iron cookware :\

It was fun for like 2min and then I went and played Rocket League.
Now THAT’S a good time :D

Added a TON of stuff to my cart yesterday to see if anything went on sale and NOTHING has changed price. So as of right now...nope ._.

Now playing

Every single time you guys mention this shower head I read it incorrectly which then reminds me of this song ._.

Every single time you guys mention this shower head I read it incorrectly which then reminds me of this song ._.

I’m getting a vibe that in 3-5 years this will be one of those projects that Google shuts down @_@

It seems very similar to apps like Pinterest and Trello and i’m not sure if users would be willing to switch over to this. Maybe if they add a type of import feature from those services?

That was just great. I LOVED the totem lotto! :D

But that’s a form of payment :D! I believe as long as you receive compensation for your time, you’re good, especially for family ;D

Now playing

HIGHLY recommend! So much so that I reviewed it!

HIGHLY recommend! So much so that I reviewed it!

Agreed! Gotta keep in mind how extremely valuable your time is and stop looking at dollar signs. Remember that time is limited. It’s something you have to balance every day and as a father, I now fight for every possible hour I can dedicate to my family.

Know your worth and if it scares a few clients away, those are

My best piece of advice is to use or buy a jacket that’s comfortable and has a LOT of pockets! Then what you do is put everything that’s not in your luggage and that you want to use on the plane in those pockets (phone, wallet, keys, change, etc.) same if you have glasses, jewelry or a belt. Just put everything in the

I have 1tb of both Dropbox and Google Drive. I’m a designer and use them to sync and backup files while I work on them. Google Drive for some reason just sucks with saving large files while I use them but Dropbox handles it extremely easily. There are moments when i’m using a file and if I try to click “Save” i’ll get