All facts aside, I think it will most likely go down like this:
All facts aside, I think it will most likely go down like this:
I was going to purchase 2 desks for my office through Ikea's online store but the shipping costs ended up being way too expensive. I'm pretty sure that's just to get you to drive over there if possible.
Cinefex had an issue a few months back pretty much devoted to Tron: Legacy and there was a lot about the method they used to make Jeff Bridges look younger.
I'm no college professor but if I was, I honestly wouldn't waste time on the students who don't care about the course. I'd focus on those who were. With that in mind, you'd avoid situations like these @.@
It's sad seeing people open up about this in the comments especially when the top right of the article states "Apr 1, 2011"
Yessirrr "To undo a +1, click the +1 button again. You can also manage and delete your +1's directly from the +1’s tab in your profile."
"To undo a +1, click the +1 button again. You can also manage and delete your +1's directly from the +1’s tab in your profile."
It's the secret ingredient =]
Zooming in enough to make my finger 1 pixel wide is too much for me x.x Especially when you consider the amount of real estate you have on a small tablet.
Imagine trying to open a 3gb+ photoshop file on an iPad :D
I wouldn't consider myself an "ultra-nerd" but desktops are everything in my field of work. I know you mentioned something along the lines of this but the software I use can't work without a certain amount of power. I'm talking compositing, video editing, 3D modeling, and with the expansion and growth of 3D, stereo.…
Just added you! Would of responded earlier but i didn't get any notifications from kotaku x.x
Just saw the response and added you up! :D
Added! Kotaku didn't notify me I had message responses :O
How I love fast glass.
I would probably panic if I didn't have at least 2.
Not so much once you contribute the laziness factor most people have :O
If anyone wants to add me up for some SF4 tomorrow feel free! =D
Bomberman 64 was astonishing to me. I still play that from time to time and especially when friends are over. The multiplayer was amazingly fun, very over the top!