
Well remember that it's a peripheral that you buy for your 360 but since it's not that simplistic they'd have to sell it at a high price. That was obvious to me from the start. I sort of wished they released a new console (since 5 years they're basically out of date at least when compared to graphics in PC gaming)

@Eskobar: Since they don't retaliate with ad's towards Sony or Microsoft, what better way to do then by just selling a huge amount of consoles?

Very glad to finally see a post pointing this out. Nintendo seems to always be mocked or made fun of yet in the end they're still around. It's sorta childish for a company to do so. Not only that but Nintendo is very professional about it. At least to my knowledge they do not go and strike back in the same way. That's

@bowen13: If they changed to another company or did something drastic like that, then it'd be worth listening to but this is just the cliche "it's not our fault but we hope things will get better" speech ._.

@sereal: I'd consider just one suicide to be too much, yet somehow we get math involved and it's suppose to make it seem like a lighter situation? Gah, damned humanity -_-;

@Dayvie: I have the feeling that soon enough the psychiatrists will be committing suicide too...

@WonkersWatilla: It's almost amazingly scary to see him with hair. Like some creature from LotR :IO

There isn't much card gaming/playing stores over here so my collection of Magic cards is literally covered in dust ._.

I wish I had enough free time to nerd out like that u.u

"Where'd my mommy go?"

Damn it...and I love the occasional Slurpee during finals ._.

This is pretty ballsy considering he's coming from Nintendo :IO

@Kyang: yeah, he looks more like a Bob than a Gman...

It honestly pisses me off that Shinji hasn't killed himself yet.

Holy crapola. From 1988-'94 it's just insane. It looks like a small town.

That black guy in the back has such a great facial expression going xD

Even if they released for the PS3 i'd still suggest to get your hands on a PC copy of it.