
Well i'm fine with waiting for the game to drop down to $40 (like BC2). I say that because I hope that by the time it lowers in price that i'll actually have some money.

@KamWrex: My thoughts exactly. I can only begin to imagine how that chair glides on those floors :IO

If you collect them, it seems better to buy physical copies (they should honestly come with a digital copy or a discount).

@antpwny: Do Goombas even have backs?! Poor things don't even have arms...

Mario is one of the few characters that i'm alright with knowing he must not shower.

Eesh o.O That sorta looks badly modeled.

I'd love to have that suit in my room.

The lighting looks so tranquil but I have to admit that I could never work in that office. I'd have to spend half the time trying to stay up because those dim lights make me so sleepy.

@cabjf: Weird comparison but I think I get what you're trying to say. It's not so much about building something for speed though. I'm a vfx & motion graphic artist so I need a good amount of power behind my machine. It makes more sense for me to put together a strong computer thats affordable and customized to my

@FortWaba: Yeah, I'm hoping it doesn't go too far as the Mario series has. Zelda's always been a bit more mature than the rest of their franchises and I'm honestly hoping they don't change that aspect of the games.

@Jandau: You also gotta blame the web in general. How else would they know pretty girls exist outside of their rooms o.o

@John-Hamptonshire: Remember what Twilight Princess was suppose to originally be?! I was drooling over it when I read all the magazine articles.

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: I honestly don't care if they do it to the Mario series since it's already as simple as it can get. But they shouldn't ruin a good thing ._.

@Jouen: The annoying water temples/dungeons have truly become a part of what Zelda means to this day. I think what I hate most is the amount of levels they have and how it tends to get dark and confusing...

@Eskobar: That bike a 2 seater?

@Jnas: Same but I still get pissed off at the thought of going through water dungeons...

"which has become very complicated"

@surft: I'm guessing it's just a look they wanted to get. It looks pretty good but I do wish it resembled Willis and Foxx a bit more. Might of just been a lazy designer :IO!