Friend of America Sergei

I hope tonight doesn’t become the precursor to a civil war. I don’t think it will, but 45 and his merry band of kooks have proven themselves time and again that they’re too stupid to know better.

Mayor Pete is right.

She’s either an unwitting stooge who’s too dumb to see what’s happening or a willing stooge who thinks she can leverage being used by a foreign interest into being taken seriously as president. Fuck her either way.

Anti-war people need to recognize that there are valid reasons why Americans no longer admire them as they did in the Bush years. It was shortly after President Obama was elected that it became increasingly clear that the anti-war movement had allowed itself to become a tool of hostile foreign powers. Now nobody

I don’t know about stooge, but Russia definitely sees some benefit in supporting and inflating her campaign. Russian bots are all about Gabbard.

I was going to say the same. It was pretty obvious that she’s a Russian stooge. So glad she didn’t qualify.

Thank God that shit-stirrer Tulsi Gabbard is gone. I used to respect anti-war Democrats but now they’re mostly just closeted Putinists and Assadists. They don’t deserve a seat at the table until they’ve apologized for doing Putin’s dirty work.

“And rather than effectively prosecute the easy case against the worst president ever, the Democrats went after one of the best: Barack Obama,” Egan wrote, before making a sharp right turn directly into the pages of the National Review: “This is a winning strategy only in a world where everyone gets a trophy, which

You really are my friend, Sergei.

Honestly? They get off on hating everything. They think it makes them “edgy”. That being said, Obama was a good president, but I don’t necessarily agree with some things he did (extending the wars for example). Most people understand that a president, is not a king or a dictator, so he or she must be practical and work

You are letting rigid ideological dogma lead you into the trap of denigrating President Obama’s legacy.

Why does everyone assume the Hillary Clinton post is trolling?

We Democrats mustn’t allow a vocal minority to browbeat us into becoming the party of isolationism. The vast majority of the American people wishes America to remain a robust force for democracy and human rights around the world.

You’re wrong if you believe no one likes Bernie as a person. I consider Bernie a friend despite everything and I know he means well.

Nah, he’s a more astute political analyst than 90% of the commentariat around here.

Lol I fuckin KNEW it. Can’t stop the Forever War, baby!

George Washington was one of America’s farmers, so it makes sense.

Really embarrassing for the U.S. that their President is this sad person.