Friend of America Sergei

I immigrated to America to escape this sort of political instability, coups and what not. There is no certainty in life without political stability. You can’t plan for the future when your world can be turned upside down by political events.

Police deal harshly with these right-wing thugs in my home country. It can get ugly at times but it must be done. You natural-born Americans don’t know what it’s like to live with credible threats of revolution and regime collapse. It’s scary.

I was a brand-new American citizen when I and my wife and my daughters heard President Obama speak those words on July 27, 2016 at the Democratic Party National Convention. He was on television.

I would like to warn my liberal American friends against the swirling rumors to the effect that Russian agent Tulsi Gabbard’s unexpected endorsement of Joe Biden is cause to suspect Joe’s loyalty to America.

I dissent. Lengthy periods of solitary confinement were instrumental in breaking the will of confessed Russian agent Maria Butina. Her treatment also serves as a stark deterrent to other Russians who would emulate her misdeeds during the 2020 election season.

My liberal American friends tell me the Splinter closure — heart-wrenching though it may be in the short run — is a perfect example of the “creative destruction” aspect of healthy market economics, and a net benefit to society in the long run. They tell me only a socialist would argue otherwise, and that liberals are

Farewell, Splinter!

Some of my liberal American friends own several beautiful beach houses and I just know they would be heartbroken if they ever had to sell them. It’s only fair to grant owners of beach houses a large tax write-off if they are forced to sell due to falling real estate prices, to compensate not only for lost monetary

Why should American liberals cede the mantle of patriotism to these Republican miscreants? Moscow Mitch is a good nickname.  History teaches us that accusing one’s political opponents of treason is a solid strategy to establish patriotic credentials with the voting public.

I have faith in the wisdom of the American people.  Don’t you?

Don’t give up on the Mueller Report. Too many liberals have written it off already, but I believe its problem is that when it landed it was such a bombshell that Americans were unable to process the sheer magnitude of what they were hearing. But when they do process it, it will hit like a freight train. Just wait.

How did such a noble endeavor go so disastrously awry? We may never know, but my liberal American friends agree that the anti-war movement had become hopelessly corrupted early in President Obama’s first term, and that liberals should have emphatically severed all ties with it then. Instead, the anti-war movement was

Liberals must bear in mind that the Democratic Party recently cancelled its presidential climate change debate. If we criticize Trump for skipping a climate change meeting, we are essentially criticizing Democratic Party policy. That would be extremely reckless.  Democrats can’t afford any divisiveness now. Party

I never understood what Inslee was trying to accomplish because President Obama already formulated a highly effective policy agenda to fight climate change. It was like Inslee was trying to reinvent the wheel.

No American jury will convict a defendant who was manipulated by Russian propaganda. It’s not even worth trying the case. Best to release the man with a warning to be careful about online trolls.

Were the arrestees exposed to Russian propaganda? That’s an important question from an ethical standpoint. We liberals can’t blame Russian trolls for inculcating regressive values in Americans and then deny defendants who act on those values the opportunity to cite Russia as an exculpatory factor.

No amount of kookiness will ever alienate Trump’s supporters. We simply have to accept that. Liberal snickering at Trump’s latest tomfoolery accomplishes nothing except making liberals appear as sneering elitists, so we must endure it in stoic silence. The Mueller report is all the rebuttal we require.

Who cares? American voters are well acquainted with Trump’s kooky behavior. Any voters who haven’t already been repelled by it never will be, so it’s wise to ignore it. If liberals truly want to peel off Trump’s voters the solution is to talk non-stop about the Mueller report, which has inexplicably faded from the

You’re advocating radical wealth redistribution. If that were a desirable or practical idea, why didn’t President Obama try it, or least advocate it? Clearly liberals are in agreement that it’s a bad idea, otherwise they wouldn’t adore President Obama as they do.

Liberals mustn’t have double standards. When Russia weaponized social media to inflame racial tensions in America back in 2016, liberals correctly labeled it election interference and an attack on American democracy. When our friends at the NY Times do the same thing today, we must find the courage to call them out.