STOP this is so good
STOP this is so good
I love how much personality we’re getting to see from Bucky on this show.
Six episodes doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room.
I actually loved the townies doing nothing. They more than anyone, brutally understand the awesome power Wanda has. Of course they bitterly know she has to be “let go”. It has to sting all the more that they know there’s no way to get justice.
A few random thoughts:
* Oh, are we mad that the fifth male lead of the fourth-best movie in a franchise where 11 movies total didn’t make what Endgame/Infinity War/Black Panther made was underused? Puh-leaze. Peters’ Quicksilver was fun and had two good scenes, but he wasn’t the cosmos.
* Notice how all the clamoring…
The Dottie stuff was just her being Queen Bee in the sitcom town.
Watching the video was hard for me; it was if I didn’t recognize the person.
“He didn’t deserve that. Nobody does. I had too much to drink and lost control of my tongue and I said horrible things that I truly regret.
I’m not convinced this was black-on-black crime; D.C. has an assisted suicide statute.
I find it hard to believe that our commentator made no mention of narration by the late Herman Blount better known as Sun Ra of the famous Myth Science Arkestra. who “travelled the Spaceways from planet to planet”.
A debased, super-powered blond-haired man representing the very Identity of the United States of America having sex with an equally-debased super-powered woman who bears the same name as the most infamous White Nationalist website on the internet?
I don’t think Homelander is simple. He just never had to be clever. Just like he never had to learn to fight. He is just so massively overpowered he can destroy anything he doesn’t like without bothering with any subtleties. If wants something he just takes it. He is a spoiled toddler because he never had to learn…
You know what shocks me? That some people still think this shit is limited to southern yokels.
He didn’t seem to give a shit either, so he is either indoctrinated fully or faking it well.
I think they will subvert the comic book “Black Noir” twist and introduce Lenny as Black Noir. Given Lenny is mentioned around the time BN shows up, it seems like foreshadowing.
She’s the worst.
I wouldn’t say I’m enjoying it, but don’t you find it mildly amusing?
Ten points for Gyffindor! Ellen, just go quietly into the night with your millions and leave us alone. As I said in an earlier Jez post about this Ellen debacle, as a gay male of color—Ellen never once spoke for me, she did not pave the way for others like me, and anyone who thinks that her “influence” did so, is…
Marvel’s Runaways
God bless Johns and DCU funding levels. Stargirl is really shaping up to be way better of a show than it has any right to be.