
My take is that they wanted to preserve the Golden Age vibe of the Justice Society, so they moved the show’s setting to 1950s America, but Icicle’s “Project New America”, through his company American Dream (Realty?), is Hydra-Secret Empire-level stuff. Taking America back to a more bucolic time, with all the

What if....Will Zarick willed the wand to travel into his wife’s possession at the moment of his death? We might have gotten a clue when Icicle mentioned that Zarick had to kill the previous Wizard in order to obtain it for himself. Maybe the wielder dies if the wand is taken or voluntarily given? That would really be

Justin the Janitor has been hinted in a couple of tweets by the showrunners to be Justin the Shining Knight.

Someone’s turning green when she tries to chip a ring off that lantern and the Starheart explodes.

The gap of threat level is smaller than you’d think. Nabu is a Lord of Order residing in the Helm of Fate. Powerful, no question, but in DC canon, the Thunderbolt is the Jinn Yz from the Fifth Dimension, whose power to grant wishes remakes reality, about the same godlike power as Mr. Mxzyptlk. . The only thing

I’m thinking the young lady in the black ponytail at the “singles” table is Yolanda Montez, the canonical successor to Ted Grant, to become the 2nd Wildcat.

My guess on the young man in the foursome? Obsidian, which promises some LGBT representation, and the possible appearance of the Shade. It’d be wild if the Shade

I thought Alex was becoming the new Guardian?

Nah, as a manager at Taco Bell in 1990, a drunk customer came in from the drive thru and laid hands on an employee of mine. I laid hands on the customer, and physically threw him out of the restaurant so hard he crossed the street and his friends had to go pick him up. I got fired the next day, went home, and slept the

I’m a 51-year-old nb and I’m literally crying with joy and hope reading this. I would love to see our daughters look up into the universe and down into microcosms to discover the magic on the edge of their imaginations, and find truth there.

This is goddamn fucking annoying. Not a great first impression spamming a gif that’s already gotten tired.

Your wife might want to consider that this is a story. Stories are not always made up of whole cloth. Sometimes it’s the little patches which lend the tapestry its magic. She is missing whole layers of wonder in favor of literal interpretation, which is a shame, considering the impact this film is making GLOBALLY.

Shipping, shipping, ship-ship. Stop teasing one another, we need this.

In reply with the religious/spiritual/atheistic/anti-theist flame war going down in the comments right now:

Systemic attacks on blackness happen at all stages of life, more’s the pity.

Facetious bullshit excuse. Who took this troll out of the grays?

Fuck you for turning this into a snowflake accusation, troll. You know he could have used the word ONE DAMN TIME to make his point. So fuck right off.

I agree with the commenter(s) who said that it would have been enough to say it one time and analyze its emotional charge thereafter. Anything else after that would be gratuitous. This “you get what you signed up for” rhetoric is plain bullshit. Fuck that cracker.


You really are full of it today.

...I don’t know her.