I am hands raised toward heaven over this review.
I would argue that if Barry actually thought things through, he’d be unstoppable, and there would be no show.
I think he’s had a hard on for getting punished for all the stupid crap he’s pulled since the beginning. I don’t think being imprisoned in the Speed Force taught him anything, though..
I call shenanigans on a camera that can see Barry moving at top speed, much less pick up the speed force.
Here’s a take:
Our blackness is not for sale. That message is for everyone.
JT and Wil Wheaton both.
WELP. Time to call my sistas in the Bronx for a weave-snatchin’ and chiropractic shenanigans.
Aaaand you can now act in accordance with your convictions, and boycott the movie, right? Right.
All right, so:
The athlete’s foot scene really had me wondering, “Where is he going with this?” I too thought it weird and off-putting until another commenter pointed out that Jefferson was sublimating his discomfort with his daughter’s sexual prospects onto Khalil, and I belatedly remembered that Jefferson had a hint of a grin as…
I personally don’t want crossovers on BL for a long, long, time.
To quote many of my tribe: “Can’t we have our own thing for a little while before we start mixin’ it up?”
Isn’t the act of forgiveness always more for the person doing the forgiving? An emotional purge of feelings that become toxic if someone holds on to it and lets fester? At least, that’s what my mother told me, and I think she’s the wisest woman I know.
According to her, withholding forgiveness keeps you from moving on.…
If it hasn’t already been said...that’s Barry and Iris’ daughter. That writing was Interlac, implying she is XS, a speedster from the 31st century, who also happened to be a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Thot is seriously in the Hell of her own making. Never in my experience have I seen her actually uplift a Black woman instead of trying to tear them all down.
Taking back her power is simply #badassblackgirlmagic.
I know too many friends calling Puerto Rico home to be at any sort of peace with this. Words fail me, or, rather I’m speechless with anger.
Here’s a start towards a solution the teacher and the police, like, I dunno, avoiding engagement of ridiculous levels of escalation response, maybe.
...and a police officer elects to put handcuffs on a 7-year-0ld because they’re specially trained for that? Because liability and law enforcement never touch? Because you know, police officers make excellent decisions shooting people of color, why not trust them with the kids too?