It’s a good metric in my neck of the woods, but you make a valid point.
It’s a good metric in my neck of the woods, but you make a valid point.
Pretty sure the tow rating played a part in the Yukon purchase. At that age, I would imagine it is paid for, so gas, maintenance (LS!), and insurance are probably still average out to less than a payment on a newer small ute/van.
Plus, we tend to not have state income tax. Even more of your tax dollars where they should be - in your pocket.
1.5 years ago America was a net exporter of oil and natural gas. This is all political theater. Gas could be $2.00 a gallon tomorrow if we were energy independent again, plus we could cripple Russia’s economy. Meanwhile, China is taking copious notes on every move Putin makes and how the world responds.
No. By all means be very offended by this stupidity, for reference.
Wow. Apparently she has become the very thing she claims to hate. I think I’m done here without Torch and Tracy. These kids need to grow a little before they publish anything.
Don’t feed the trolls. They are always hungry.
I get the trepidation concerning the lack of maintenance history, but ANY Ferrari is going to cost an arm and a leg for an engine out service roughly every five years regardless of mileage. I doubt this car will ever be sold for less in the future. Investment grade NP.
I, too, have issues with this comment. For reasons....
Respectfully disagree. Working conditions can outweigh salary demands, especially if you have dependents that rely on your health and safety.
CP. You had me at Bosch K-Jetronic. It’ll take the purchase price of the car to fix/replace, plus all of the other issues that will surface over time.
I am comfortably, and freely, in Florida. This article was based on actions in California. Make your own assumptions in 3..2..1..
Elections have consequences.
Great points. How significant is the weight gain? This will directly affect braking performance, which is a safety issue. On the same subject, will these need to be submersed in water for days at a time when they catch fire?
Underrated comment.
Which religion did he establish? You have shown more concern about his choice of empathy than for the lives affected by this tragedy. Nice straw man with the gun-nuts too, by the way.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF;....
I appreciate your good faith and actually agree with you about family being more than just genes. I lost my father many years ago and have been estranged from my mother almost as long. I have tried to reconcile with her but both parties must be willing. She and I still have a chance. My father and I don’t. In the end,…