71 BugMan

There is nothing “wise” about a TC! But point taken.

TC by Maserati...brings it full circle with FCA.

They should have done away with the lower set of controls and integrated them into the touch screen...a much cleaner look.

Coconuts, man...

It actually looks better without the roof. And those wheels....perfection.

Honda Civic 1LE?

STILL the best game. Fight me!

It looks like dad just unloaded his son/daughter’s go-kart. That would be terrifying in traffic!

Damn you. Now I HAVE to see this ridiculous movie. I hope you’re happy!

I loved my MkIII Golf Sport. Fight me.

Silverado. There’s a bowtie on the steering wheel. Hope that helps put these two under the prison cell.

I’m no fan of this gen Camaro, but this is an excellent choice.

I have (inadvertently) recreated this photo...

You sound like a good parent. I hope your son becomes the next “Most Interesting Man In The World”!

Stepfanie Kramer drove one on “Hunter”. I still want both of them.

My first thought too.

I for one am glad that Jaguar as a company is healthy enough to be able to do these kinds of flights of fancy/case studies. They built enough E-Types that the purists shouldn’t need a quadruple bypass over this. I like it.

Came here for this. Leaving satisfied.

Just wow. You would have to peel me off of the floor to get me out of there! You are truly a lucky man.

It even makes it look smaller. Gorgeous car inside and out.